Archived Video Sermons

Here you will find past video messages preached at Bible Baptist Church before 2024. Click on the picture of the sermon you want to view, and a YouTube page will follow.

  • the danger of knowledge without love

    I Corinthians 8:1-3

    The Apostle Paul challenged the believers in Corinth to grow in knowledge and charity.  Today, we as believers must be challenged to do the same thing.

  • forgetting behind, reaching forth

    Philippians 3:13-14

    Many times, we face life as viewing the rising sun instead of a setting sun, looking backwards instead of forward.  In today’s message, Pastor Geist focuses on four words: (1) Count, (2) Forget, (3) Reach, and (4) Press.

  • listen, o isles

    Isaiah 49:1

    The Prophet Isaiah spoke about the coming Saviour’s naming, birth, and purpose for coming to the earth.  In this message the focus is upon the sanctified, the sword, and the servant, which points to the Saviour.

  • peace like a river?

    Isaiah 48:12-22

    We can choose to hear and obey God’s commands and have peace like a river; or not!

  • steadfast & faithful

    Colossians 5:1-7

    The Apostle Paul commended the church in Colossi for their steadfastness and faithfulness, to which all the glory goes to God.

  • disciple's response

    John 6:47-71

    Once Christ declared Himself as the Bread of Life, the response from the disciples varied greatly. 

  • three things

    I Corinthians 7:1-9

    The Apostle Paul is answering questions from the church in Corinth.  In this scripture passage God gives an additional perspective on the plan for marriage.  Specifically noted are three things that do not change when you get saved.

  • the temples of corinth

    I Corinthians 6:9-20

    There is a great contrast between the true and the false.  In this message attention is directed to our body [temple].  Specific points are the unbeliever, the hope for the hopeless, and the body of the believer.

  • how to receive a report

    Acts 14:25-28

    How do you receive a report from others that have been doing the work of the Lord?  When such a report if given, it is our responsibility to receive it. 

  • out of the depths

    Psalm 130

    What kind of music do you listen to when in transit somewhere?  Even through depths of despair or through the fear of the Lord, God’s people can sing very personable and national songs unto the Lord.

  • among you for your sake

    I Thessalonians 1:5

    We are to be among the lost for their sake, this includes both an action and an attitude.  Actions without the right attitude shows no sense of selflessness for lost souls. 

  • what manner of men

    I Thessalonians 1:5

    As the Apostle Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy were in Thessalonica, they were known by those to which they ministered in the church.  They demonstrated grace and peace towards others to be ensamples to all.

  • not in word only

    I Thessalonians 1:5

    God has expectations for each of us regarding the gospel in reference to paying, praying, and saying.  The gospel we speak is not in word only, but by persuasion, power, and privilege. 

  • judging matters

    I Corinthians 6:1-8

    Today’s message focuses on taking matters to court, specifically taking other believers to court.  Pastor Sargent brings the wrong way, right way, and best way to deal with such matters through the scriptures.

  • the seven-fold work of a church planter

    Acts 14:21-28

    Upon the conclusion of Paul’s first evangelistic journey, he provides great insight into the work of an evangelist.  They are to win souls, teach, confirm, exhort, prepare, organize, and separate.

  • church discipline

    I Corinthians 5

    As reports came to the ears of the apostle Paul concerning sin in the church in Corinth, he admonishes the church to act.  Public and private offences should be dealt with according to the Word of God.

  • praise

    Psalm 113

    The Psalmist expressed great praise to God through a time of Laudation, Salvation, and Evangelization.

  • no offence, no blame ministry

    II Corinthians 5:20-6:10

    Paul, as an ambassador, minister, and worker of Christ, have many instructions to the church in Corinth.  Paul endeavored to not be a stumblingblock and to be above reproach in his service to others.

  • warning in love

    I Corinthians 4:6-21

    Paul gave a stern rebuke because of the report of divisions within the church in Corinth.  The same warnings given in love by the apostle Paul can be applied to the correction of children as well.

  • seed to the sower

    II Corinthians 9:6-15

    Missions is all about souls. . . not money.  However, God uses the sacrificial giving to make missions happen.  God is able and He provides for us so that we may reciprocate blessings by giving towards missions.

  • i sat where they sat

    Ezekiel 3:4-21

    As Ezekiel was commissioned by God to reach Israel, he took the time to sit where they sat so that he could identify with those to which God had called him to minister.  Sitting gave him time to consider their end and his calling to reach them.

  • the three tribunals

    I Corinthians 4:1-5

    What do you do in service for God, and why do you do it?  The scripture passage today points out the divine description and divine demand for Christian service.  In that, we experience judgment made by others, by ourselves, and most importantly by God.

  • walking with god

    Genesis 5:16-24

    Walking with God takes a decision to do so and we must agree that His way is best.  We must also yield to the Holy Spirit’s working in our life and openly live out our faith.

  • god's holy temple

    I Corinthians 3:6-23

    The Apostle Paul elaborates on the mechanics of church planting to the dysfunctional church in Corinth.  In this message is brought out four points about our relationship within the church: (1) the Proper Focus, (2) the Right Foundation to Build upon, (3) Remembering there is a Fire, and (4) Love the Church as Christ Loves it.

  • class warfare

    I Corinthians 3:1-7

    God classifies people into one of two categories: the saved and the lost.  Furthermore, Christians are divided into groups based upon either being carnal, worldly, or spiritual.  To which class do you belong?

  • the wisdom of god

    I Corinthians 2

    The Second Chapter of First Corinthians gives the answer to three frequently asked questions: (1) Where can we find God’s wisdom?, (2) Can we trust God’s wisdom?, and (3) How can we know God’s wisdom?

  • the preaching of the cross

    I Corinthians 1:18

    The Gospel message is to be preached.  This message divides, delivers, draws, and is dynamic.  Every Christian, every preacher, should be able to give a clear, uncluttered presentation of the Gospel to others.

  • the crisis of a contentious church

    Corinthians 1:10-17

    The central theme in the Book of First Corinthians is church order.  This church was known for its disorder due to the problem of division in the church.  In this message is seen the entreaty for unity, the essentials of unity, the erosion of unity, and the emblem of unity.

  • what comfort is jesus

    John 14:16-17

    Jesus Christ is the “another Comforter” described in today’s scripture passage.  Jesus’ comfort points us to His deity, our future abode, prayer, and peace.  Is Jesus a comfort to you today?

  • the blessings of sainthood

    I Corinthians 1:1-9

    The Bible states that believers are referred to as saints.  In this message is seen the basis for sainthood, the benefit of sainthood, and the blessings of sainthood.

  • five needs of a church planter

    I Corinthians 1:1-3

    The church in Corinth was established by the faithful preaching of Paul and others.  It took work!  Endeavoring to see a work established, the church planter needs encouragement, intensity, a vision, flexibility, and patience.

  • the people rejoiced

    1 Chronicles 29:1-9

    David had a great desire and burden to build a house unto the Lord.  That burden translated to his son Solomon and the congregation in that they greatly blessed the Lord, offered willingly, and rejoiced.

  • the son honoureth his father

    Israel, as God’s children, failed whereas God’s eternal Son prevailed in honour, sacrifice, and pleasure.

  • how long will ye judge unjustly?

    Psalm 82; John 10:22-42

    As Jesus speaks to the Jews, He confronts them in positions of judging doing it unjustly.  This is in direct contradiction to a just God.

  • speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor

    Zechariah 8:16,17

    The Lord of Hosts tell His children what He wants them to and not to do endeavoring to point people to Christ.  We are to speak ye every truth to our neighbor and execute judgment of truth and peace in our gate.  Contrast with we are not to imagine evil in our heart against our neighbor nor are we to love a false oath.

  • build the house

    Haggai 1:8

    As the nation of Israel built the temple there, we those that tried to hinder it or cause it to cease.  As a representation of a church, the building should have God take pleasure in it and the church should also give God the glory.

  • a drift away

    Revelation 3:14-22

    We are living in a world today that is seeing many churches around the world drift away from the truth of God’s Word.  This is an observable cycle all throughout history.  Today’s message points out the signs of lukewarmness (drifting) and the cure thereof.

  • judgment is coming

    Nahum 1

    The prophet Nahum gave warning concerning the judgment of God.  In this message is seen God’s Wrath, God’s Goodness, and God’s Peace which should drive us to the cross of Calvary.

  • it is time

    Hosea 10:1-6

    The prophet Hosea told the nation of Israel that it was time to seek the Lord because they were as an empty vine, void of the fruit of righteousness. As Israel was reminded, we too need to be reminded that it is always time to sew righteousness, to break up fallow ground, and to seek the Lord.

  • spiritual warfare

    Ephesians 6:10-20

    The Bible gives us a glimpse into the unseen spirit world, to which we need to be reminded and informed about the devil and his devices.  By being aware of Satan’s motives and manifestations we can through the power of Christ vanquish him and have victory of his kingdom.

  • Separated unto the gospel of god

    Romans 1:1

    Paul’s purpose in life was to be separated unto the gospel of God.  As a believer, is that your purpose?

  • the sin of indifference

    II Kings 20

    King Hezekiah reigned in the southern kingdom and foolishly showed the Babylonians the wealth of the land.  He was not concerned about the here and now nor about tomorrow.  In this message are seen attitudes that are seen when a person is indifferent.

  • bible principles of religious freedom

    Acts 4:1-20

    Religious liberty in America was hard fought and came at a great cost.  In this message Bible principles of religious freedom such as individual soul liberty and the separation of church and state are brought out.

  • woe to the crown of pride

    Isaiah 28:1-13

    In a world that changes definitions and associations of words, it is important to see what God says about a matter.  This message discusses the Sources, Scourge, and Solution to Pride.

  • the kindness of confrontation

    II Corinthians 7

    The Apostle Paul bears his heart and soul to the church in Corinth by instructing them on how to confront others through love.  In this message is presented the Propriety of the Confronter, the Purpose of Confrontation, and the Payoff of Confrontation.

  • they gathered the church together

    Acts 14:26-28

    The Bible is clear, one of the distinct steps in planting a church is assembling together!

  • influential fathers

    Proverbs 1:8

    Four fathers mentioned in the Bible are great examples for fathers today as being very influential in the lives of their family.

  • the antichrist revealed

    Revelation 13:1-9

    Through the books of the Revelation and Daniel a clear picture of the character of the coming antichrist is revealed.  In this message is seen a glimpse into the future provided through the scriptures.

  • the half was not told me

    I Kings 10:1-13

    In the historical account of the Queen of Sheba vising King Solomon we can see that a thirst to come and prove the name of the Lord was present in her life.

  • are you fit for the master's use?

    Jeremiah 18:1-6

    God used parables or actions to get the message across to the prophet or nation of Israel.  In this message Pastor Sargent presents the potter and the clay as representing God and mankind.

  • ashamed of his own counsel

    Hosea 10:6

    Do you seek God’s counsel when it comes to every area of your life?  Refusing God’s counsel shames; taking God’s counsel aims!  In this message we see how the nation of Israel went astray regarding counsel; something we are often guilty of today as well.

  • the all sufficiency of christ

    Colossians 3:1-17

    Christ is all we need for salvation, to live the Christian life, to find God’s will for our life, and to take us home to be with Him.  Do you allow Christ to manifest His life in and through you?  Christ is all, and in all!

  • give me children, or else i die

    Adam points to the Lord Jesus Christ, and by correlation, the first Adam’s bride points to Christ’s bride.  If Eve points to a true New Testament church, then a look at her would be instructive considering warnings and exhortations that still apply for us today.

  • four godly women

    Proverbs 31:30

    In our modern society, beliefs and actions are often affected by influential people.  The Bible is full of influential mothers, four of which are highlighted in this message.

  • preparing the way for the antichrist

    Daniel 7, 11, 25

    There are many references in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament that mention the coming antichrist. . . the counterfeit Messiah.  With the lies that are being perpetrated in the world today, we can easily see how our world is so easily deceived, thus heading towards the antichrist’s deceptive and convincing words.  Three lies that have blinded the minds of unbelievers today are Gender Identity, Gestational Hostilities (abortion and euthanasia), and Global Catastrophe (climate change).  Each of these lies are easily refuted with truth from God’s Word!

  • the steppingstones of faith

    Luke 7:36-50

    A woman exercised great faith as she ministered to Jesus.  In today’s message is a chain reference which weaves scripture together to give us an understanding of faith; thus learning the Necessity, Definition, Operation, Steps, and Fruit of faith.

  • what is your desire?

    Acts 13:6-12

    Our desires are either good (in alignment with God’s Word) or bad (self-driven).  In today’s passage, the desire of Sergius Paulus is contrasted with the nation of Israel.  We all have desires; the question is, are they the same as what God desires for your life?  

  • our faith

    I Corinthians 4:1-21

    The fourth chapter of First Corinthians deals with comparisons, specifically dealing with partiality and factions within the church at Corinth.  Paul’s statement to “be ye followers of me” can be misconstrued.  The instruction he gave was for the church to follow him only as he follows Christ; in this we see five things about our faith.

  • the blessings of a good woman

    I Samuel 25:1-20

    Due to a situation between David and her husband Nabal, Abigail used great understanding in diffusing the situation.  The steps she took when facing a seemingly impossible situation are instructive for us today as well.

  • don't jury-rig your home

    Proverbs 31:10-31

    In order to have a happy home, it takes all members of the household working together.  The scripture passage tonight enlightens us to principles for the Husband, Wife, and Children that if followed will result in a household that pleases the Lord.

  • our rock

    Exodus 17:1-7

    It is easy to become forgetful and to start to murmur and complain like the children of Israel did.  They asked the question, “Is the Lord among us or not?”  The gospel message is pictured through the rock that Moses struck to bring forth water; it must be received, is life sustaining, and life affirming.  Jesus Christ is The Rock!

  • the scripture that he must rise again from the dead

    John 20:9

    What a curious statement recorded about Peter and John at the empty tomb: “For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead.” Listen as Pastor Geist explains how this could be so, and what scripture is being referenced. Do you understand the imperative that Jesus had to rise from the dead?

  • the curse of the cross

    Deuteronomy 21:22-23

    Jesus Christ chose death and cursing so that we may enjoy life and blessing.  Through this message is seen the Condemnation, Crucifixion, and Cursing of Jesus as he hanged on a cross.

  • seven sayings from the cross, part iii

    Mark 15:33-41

    In this message Pastor Sargent finishes the series by presenting the last four sayings of Jesus on the Cross as darkness engulfed the earth.  It was a time when Heaven’s love met justice.

  • seven sayings from the cross, part ii

    John 19:25-27

    In this continuing mini-series, Jesus speaks from the cross to those near and dear to Him.

  • Seven Sayings from the cross, part i

    Luke 23:33-43

    As Jesus Christ hung on the cross, He uttered some very significant words.  This message is the first in a mini-series about what He said, specifically to the crucifiers as well as the fellow crucified.

  • can we trust the new testament?

    II Peter 1:16-21

    Is what the Bible says true?  Is it credible?  Criticism of the Bible is subjective, and oftentimes approached with a presupposition such as “I don’t like what the Bible says. . . therefore it must be in error.”  Three attacks often levied against the Bible question its writers (authorship), the narrative (what the Bible teaches), and the underlying text.

  • how we received the new testament

    II Peter 1:12-21

    How did we get the New Testament?  There were four essential steps in getting the New Testament: (1) Revelation (truth revealed), (2) Inspiration (writing it down), (3) Preservation (truth retained), and (4) Translation (truth into language of reader).

  • ye cannot be partakers of the lord's table and of the table of devils

    I Corinthians 10:16-22

    You cannot be saved apart from the blood of Jesus Christ.  Communion of the blood of Christ is first through salvation and then the Lord’s Table.  In this message is seen the Communion of the Blood and Body and the Table of devils.

  • god offers peace and peace with god offers

    Numbers 7:36

    Names of people and places in the Bible have significance and are important to God.  An in-depth look at three names and what they offered focuses our attention on what and how we offer to God our sacrifices.

  • when god gets your attention

    Acts 12:1-10

    God often uses circumstances, conviction, and consequences to get our attention.  Throughout the Bible there are many examples of how God gets the attention of His people, this message briefly examines those examples.

  • let not your heart be troubled

    John 14:1-15

    The two kinds of trouble we deal with regularly are either against us or to disquiet (unnerve) us.  Anytime we go through a time of trouble we should draw nigh to the Lord.  When we’re going through times of trouble we have the Lord’s great promise, Christ’s provision, the Paraclete, and God’s peace to cling to.

  • that which was bruised

    Leviticus 22:17-33

    God was particular of what Israel was to offer unto Him.  God is also particular in what we are to offer Him as well.  In this message is presented a look at the Saviour (the bruised one) and our Sacrifice (response to His bruising).

  • six witnesses to jesus christ

    I John 5:6-13

    [Baptist Distinctives Series]

    The error of Gnosticism had crept into the early churches, bewitching and deceiving believers.  A witness testifies of what they saw or heard.  In this message Pastor Sargent elaborates on six witnesses to Jesus Christ: (1) the water, (2) the blood, (3) the Spirit, (4) the Father, (5) the Word, and (6) the Holy Ghost.

  • A covering

    Exodus 25:1-22

    The mercy seat sat above the items in the ark that condemn us, perfectly covering them.  As the mercy seat covers the ark, we see also how the wings cover the mercy seat and how the presence of the Lord covers it all.

  • the fatal attraction of error

    Galatians 3:1-14

    [Baptist Distinctives Series]

    As Paul admonishes the church in Galatia to stand firm upon truth, he addresses the defense of the gospel.  In this message is presented the Receiving of the Gospel, the Ruining of the Gospel, and the Redefining of the Gospel.

  • how do you respond to the authority of jesus?

    Luke 19:28-44; Psalm 118:14-29

    The text bears witness as Jesus Christ makes His royal entry into Jerusalem.  In this we see the Messianic Credentials of our Lord and the Response of the people to the Messiah.

  • principLEs of dress

    Exodus 28:40-43

    God’s Word has a lot to say about how we dress.  In this message the principals pertaining to modesty is clearly seen and explained.

  • sanctity of life

    Psalm 139:1-24

    The Holy Spirit chose to use a murderer (David) to sing about the sanctity of life.

  • don't be afraid of god's grace

    Genesis 42:25-35

    The life of Joseph testifies mightily and plentifully of the Lord Jesus Christ.  In this message, Pastor Geist walks us through the life of Joseph which foreshadows Jesus Christ and God’s grace.

  • to all the saints

    Philippians 1:1-8

    Paul had great affection for the Church in Philippi, as evidenced by his letter to the sanctified ones in Christ Jesus.  The message is just as applicable to us today.

  • the day of deliverance

    Psalm 18:1-3

    On many occasions David faced enemies, to which he relied upon God’s strength and deliverance by making a conscious choice to love Him, trust Him, and call upon Him.  Seeing how David handled difficult situations is very instructive to us today as well.

  • on the lord's day

    Revelation 1:10

    As a continuation of the morning preaching, Pastor Geist explains from scripture the meaning of the Lord’s day.

  • in the spirit

    Revelation 1:10

    In this message Pastor Geist preaches about being in the Spirit on the Lord’s day by both centering on the indwelling and infilling of the Spirit in a believer’s life.

  • the parable of the unjust steward

    Luke 16:1-12

    In this message Pastor Sargent presents Jesus’ parable about the unjust steward.  The central message conveyed is to make provision for the future.

2022 Video Messages

Here you will find the latest videos of sermons preached at Bible Baptist Church.

  • i thessalonians, part vi

    First Thessalonians series

    I Thessalonians 5:1-28

    In the final message of a series by Pastor Geist on Paul’s first epistle to the Thessalonians, the fifth chapter focuses on the children of light contrasted with the children of darkness.

  • the word was made flesh

    John 1:1-18

    As this time of year focuses on the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ this message presents His Person, His Power, and His Purpose.

  • I Thessalonians, Part V

    First Thessalonians series

    I Thessalonians 4:1-18

    In the fifth message of a series by Pastor Geist on Paul’s first epistle to the Thessalonians, the fourth chapter focuses on a believer’s righteous walking and rapture waiting.

  • I Thessalonians, Part IV

    First Thessalonians series

    I Thessalonians 3:1-13

    In the fourth message of a series by Pastor Geist on Paul’s first epistle to the Thessalonians, the third chapter focuses on faith.

  • I Thessalonians, Part III

    First Thessalonians series

    I Thessalonians 2:1-13

    In the third message of a series by Pastor Geist on Paul’s first epistle to the Thessalonians, the second chapter focuses on the do's and don'ts of delivering the gospel of God.

  • 1 thessalonians, part ii

    First Thessalonians series

    I Thessalonians 1:1-10

    In the second message of a series by Pastor Geist on Paul’s first epistle to the Thessalonians the first chapter is expounded upon to include the men used to minister to the church as well as preparing for the coming of the Day of the Lord.

  • how do you receive the word of god?

    Acts 17:1-14

    First Thessalonians series

    How you receive the Word of God determines its effectual working in your life. Those who became the initial members of the church in Thessalonica received Paul’s preaching “not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.” (I Thessalonians 2:13) Listen now to the first in a short series of messages by Pastor Geist on Paul’s first epistle to the Thessalonians.

  • fear him; hear him; know him


    Acts 13:16-41

    Paul preached to the Jews in Antioch of Pisidia both producing sweet and bitter responses.  He walks the audience through their past to point out the promise, just as God’s word does for us today.

  • proper behaviour

    I Peter 3:8-11

    The epistle of I Peter is very practical in instructing and strengthening Christians.  In this message twelve desirable characteristics or attitudes are described for the church and individuals both to be and to do.

  • the crisis of the call

    Let Us Have Grace series

    I Kings 19:9-21

    Using the call of Elisha as an example, this message considers the divine call to preach, and in particular the crisis such a call creates.

  • megas trumps maga

    Acts 4:32-5:5

    Churches are to carry out the Great Commission with Great Power, Great Grace, and Great Fear. We won't make America great again politically, but evangelistically.

  • where are the nine?

    Luke 17:11-19

    The ten lepers cried out to Jesus, knowing that He was their only hope.  However, only one returned to glorify God.  Like the one leper, we too must be thankful to God as recognition of His blessings!

  • god's grace in calling

    Let Us Have Grace Series

    II Timothy 1:1-11

    Jesus taught us to pray therefore the lord of the harvest that he would call forth labourers into his harvest.  God still puts within the heart of men the call into the ministry.  Allow God to “stir up” the gift that He has put within you!

  • faith promise missions giving

    II Corinthians 8:1-11

    In this message, Pastor Sargent carefully explains what the “Faith Promise Missions” offering is all about. The text refers to the collection for the saints in Jerusalem, but the principle of sacrificial, purposed giving also applies to giving for the cause of world evangelism.

  • everybody ought to know

    John 9:35-38

    As Jesus passed by and slipped away from the violent crowd, he met a soul with a need.  After Jesus had healed the blind man, he posed a question: Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him?  In this message the answer to the question is seen by understanding Presumption (we know), Ignorance (I don’t know), and the Truth (what we know and others can know).

  • labourers who have reaped

    James 5:4

    As the rich oppressors are rebuked at the beginning of James, Chapter 5, we see contrasted people to help paint a clear picture of the labourers God desires to see and use.  Seen are the Rash, the Rich, the Reapers, the Ruler, and the Redeemed.

  • racism

    Acts 17:22-31

    Today’s world has mis defined racism as there being a superior and inferior race, but what does God have to say on the matter?  There is only one race. . . the human race. . . one blood!  We need to see people through God’s eyes, as souls for which Christ died!

  • a journey like no other

    Mark 6:7-13

    As the Lord ministered to the disciples, he instructed them on what to bring and what not to bring as they set out to minister to others.  We today, as the disciples back in Christ’s day, are to be channels of God’s grace.  God gives us all sufficiency through provision and protection.

  • people still press upon jesus

    Luke 5:1-11

    Jesus often taught a parable in action.  In the parable in our text we see different aspects of soul-winning being taught by the Saviour, specifically a Demonstration, an Illustration, the Humiliation, and the Application.

  • portraits of christ, no. 2

    Revelation 1

    In this second Bible Study focusing on Christ we see through the eyes of John an eight-fold portrait of our Lord Jesus Christ, specifically His Clothing, Head and Hair, Eyes, Feet, Voice, Right Hand, Mouth, and Countenance.  In all we see He is the Lord God Jehovah, the risen victorious Saviour and sovereign Lord of all.

  • the why of missions

    Proverbs 15:11; 27:20; Matthew 7:13

    The motive behind the commission to reach the whole world is God’s love.  There are four realities that should also motivate us to reach the lost: the Certainty of Hell, the Ceaselessness of Hell, the Causeways to Hell, and the Sentinel to Hell.

  • portraits of christ, no. 1

    Hebrews 1

    Jesus Christ is the sum, center, and theme of the Bible.  In the Bible we see a portrayal of Him clearly throughout.  This first in a series of Bible Studies focuses of Christ as the Diving Articulation, the Divine Architect, the Divine Adjective, and the Divine Atonement.

  • the grace of giving

    I Corinthians 16:1-4

    As Paul describes “the collection for the saints’ he is talking about a love offering that is gathered to help with the spread of the gospel.  In this message three aspects of giving are brought out from the scriptures: (1) the Purpose, (2) the Plan, and (3) Partners in Giving.

  • building by the spirit of the lord of hosts

    Zechariah 4

    A church must be built in the strength of the Lord of Hosts, via His anointing Spirit of Truth, upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone; by the grace of God.

  • the priesthood of the believer

    I Peter 2:1-10

    The Book of First Peter has a theme of hope that is in Jesus Christ.  As a believer we are described as a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a peculiar people.  In this message Pastor Sargent explains from the scriptures what it means to be a spiritual priest.  Just as there was a physical priest, temple, and sacrifice in the Old Testament, the New Testament has a lot to say about Spiritual Priests, a Spiritual Temple, and Spiritual Sacrifices.

  • the shepherds of bethlehem

    Luke 2:8-20

    Others had heard the gospel message prophesied and promised, but the first people to hear the gospel (“good tidings”) message proclaimed were the shepherds.  The descriptive words that show the affect of that special day were the Shepherds Abiding, the Shepherds Afraid, the Shepherds Advantaged, the Shepherds Awestruck, and the Shepherds Activated.

  • face it

    Daniel 9:1-19

    As Daniel lived in captivity he prayed, which demonstrates a great example of prayer for us today.  Through Daniel’s set face, Israel’s shamed face, and God’s shining face we see the importance of prayer.  When you find yourself in a situation that only God can solve, will you face it as did Daniel?

  • some of them believed

    Acts 16:40-17:9

    As Paul and others evangelized in the city of Thessalonica, they encountered some that believed not and some that believed.  The actions display by the evangelistic team, the believers, and non-believers can be instructive to us today while seeking to share the Gospel with others in our own area.

  • we watchmen

    Ezekiel 3:16-21; 33:1-20

    As in the time of Ezekiel, we too are called upon to be watchmen to the world around us.  Consideration must be given to aspects of being a soul-winner, like a watchman, such as the Area, Alarm, and Accountability of warning others of the wrath to come.

  • gracious music

    Colossians 3:12-17

    In the “Grace that Ministers to Others” series this message investigates how godly music ministers grace.  Several examples from Scripture are given that shows how music Eases the Troubled Soul, Enables the Suffering Soul, Energizes the Traveling Soul, and Expresses the Amazement of the Lord.

  • fellowship one with another

    I John 1:7

    We have opportunities to minister graciously to one another through relationships.  Grace and love show themselves best by their selfless and unconditional attributes.  By walking in the Light and Loving in the Light we can graciously serve one another.

  • gracious words

    Colossians 4:5,6

    Words and how they are spoken matter.  The way we use words help us witness and communicate with the lost to bring them to Jesus Christ.  For that to happen they must be Sagacious (wise), Serious, Selfless, Salted, and Scriptural words.

  • what is your testimony since salvation?

    Philippians 1:1-11

    Many Samaritans believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for the saying of the woman at the well, which testified of her encounter with Christ. Christians can have a similar evangelistic influence by simply sharing their testimony, and living a testimony that reflects the ongoing working of God in their daily life, until the Lord's return.

  • how to give your testimony

    Psalm 107:1-15

    Oftentimes we shy away from giving our personal testimony publicly; but how do we share it with others?  In this message Pastor Sargent expounds upon how you can share your personal testimony in writing or face-to-face by talking about What I Was, What I Did, and What I Am!

  • the final round-up

    II Thessalonians 2:1-2

    The final “round-up for believers is the Rapture of the saints.” In the face of intense opposition, persecution, and the false teaching that the Rapture had already occurred, Paul writes to explain why Jesus is yet to come for His saints and will later return with His saints.

  • are you the one?

    Luke 15:3-7; Matthew 18: 10-14

    On two separate occasions, in two different locations, to two unique audiences, the Good Shepherd taught the same parable of the ninety and nine sheep, and one lost sheep gone astray. The one lost sheep is separated from the Good Shepherd, is sought by the Good Shepherd, and is of inestimable value to the Good Shepherd. Are you the one?

  • how do you see it now?

    Haggai 2:1-9

    Each generation has unique characteristics and different outlooks regarding the value of life.  Through the Prophet Haggai the Lord spoke to those who had returned to Jerusalem to build the second temple. He challenges the perspective of each generation, giving them a promise and a prophecy.

  • gen-alpha josiah: seeking at 16

    II Chronicles 34:1-7

    We often write off young children and teenagers, underestimating what God can begin in their lives early on, with lasting effects through many decades. Listen to what God started in the life of King Josiah at the tender age of eight, and how Josiah sought God through many years as a teenager, leading to a great spiritual revival when he was only 20! 

  • what must i do to be saved?

    Acts 16:25-40

    Paul was directed to Philippi where God used him during a great time of affliction to reach someone with the gospel.  As the Philippian jailer asked the question “What Must I Do to be Saved?” we too can see through this encounter the Why, Way, What and Wake of Salvation.

  • intercessory prayer

    Exodus 32:7-14

    Intercessory prayer is standing for others before God.  Moses serves as a great example of this type of prayer, in that he reminded the Lord of His Grace, Glory, and Guarantee.

  • the extraordinary power of faith

    Matthew 17:14-21

    Oftentimes we make our own plans to overcome obstacles in our life and then ask God to bless our efforts.  Overcoming spiritual obstacles is only possible through the exercise of faith.

  • when you can't see the promises because of the clouds

    Luke 24:1-35

    As the disciples faced grave times leading up to and following the Crucifixion of Christ, they struggled with unbelief when circumstances were bad.  Just like the disciples, we too can have a disconnect with knowing God’s word and believing it when the storm clouds of life come.

  • our sovereign god

    Romans 8:28-31

    When in times of great need and trouble God’s word brings great comfort.  That comfort stands in the foreknowledge of God and rests upon His sovereignty.

  • wielding the word of the lord as the sword of the lord

    Judges 7:16-22

    It is when we are small and facing great odds that God gets greater glory in victory.  Do you have Bible knowledge without power and victory?  Add an “S” to the Word of the LORD to wield it as the Sword of the LORD!  Listen now to hear about the “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

  • divine addition

    Acts 2:43-47

    Arithmetic basics begin with addition and spiritual matters begin the same way.  In this message four questions are posed in considering the need for members to be added to the church: To what does the Lord add? How were they added? By what means are they added?  To what purpose are they added?

  • the battle is not yours, but god's

    II Chronicles 20

    The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah repeatedly forgot that their military battles were ultimately won in the strength of God’s might. Sadly, the United States has also forgotten that her birth as a nation came from the power of God sovereignly superintending in the American Revolution. Christians fighting in spiritual battles wrestle not against flesh and blood, but are to be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. In O.T. battles, the American Revolution, and contemporary spiritual warfare, there was and is a time of Confrontation, Supplication, Declaration, Decimation, Celebration, and Association.


    I Corinthians 9:24-27

    Paul’s greatest fear was that, after preaching to others, he would become a castaway — that is, unapproved, of being of no further use to the cause of Christ. In this message, Pastor Sargent highlights the danger of spiritual shipwreck and how to avoid such a catastrophe.

  • when pressure gets to you

    I Samuel 20:1-6

    When the trials of life come, how we respond is important.  The pressure of trials got to David and caused despair.  God’s grace brings victory!

  • expectation management

    Proverbs 11:5-8

    “When a wicked man dieth, his expectation shall perish” because what he expected would happen after death is destroyed by biblical reality. A Christian, too, can have false hopes if their expectations are not aligned completely and solely with God and His Word. Listen now to learn how to manage expectations. 

  • flee, follow, fight

    I Timothy 6:11-12

    In this message Pastor Geist presents Paul’s admonition to his son in the faith Timothy concerning his personal actions.  Timothy was challenged to Flee, Follow, and Fight!

  • God's grace for the sick

    II Corinthians 12:1-10

    In describing his sufferings, the apostle Paul speaks of infirmities, reproaches, necessities, persecutions, distresses, and afflictions.  The word “infirmity” relates to physical ailments or sicknesses due to the frailty of the human body. In this message Pastor Sargent focuses on the way in which God’s grace is sufficient for the believer during times of serious illness, so that they, may say “Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

  • jesus saves

    Matthew 1:18-25

    God’s message throughout the ages is that Jesus Saves!  Not baptism, not communion, not confirmation, not works of righteousness, not an individual church or entire religious organization, only Jesus Saves!  Who is Jesus?  What does Jesus save from?  How does Jesus save?  Who does Jesus save?  This message answers all these questions.

  • my prayer, my worship, my joy

    Psalm 5

    Regardless of our enemies, we cannot forget the basic building blocks of the Christian life: Prayer, Worship, and Joy.

  • end time inflation

    Revelation 6:1-7

    Inflation may seem bad today, but it is nothing compared to the inflation that is coming after the Rapture. What can a believer do in this present distress?  Pastor Sargent exhorts believers to recognize the Lord’s purpose, to believe the Lord’s promise, to never bypass the Lord’s precept, to accept the Lord’s provision, and to be aware of the Lord’s people.

  • trusting, testing, tarrying

    Psalm 40

    When we do not fully trust the Lord during times of trials, God’s perfect timing can falsely appear as delayed tarrying.  God is never early or late. . . His timing is perfect!

  • when the i am says i will

    Hosea 2:14-23

    When God says He will take action. . . He will!  Israel allured lovers and forgot the Lord; the Lord covenants to remember and allure Israel.  Regardless of the actions taken against us or against God, His desire is reconciliation!

  • the mother of all living

    Genesis 3:1-21

    In this Mother’s Day message, Pastor Sargent highlighted the world’s first woman, first mother, first grandmother, and first great-grandmother (many times over) — EVE. This first female was called “Adam” by the Creator God, and Adam called her “woman” (the name of relationship) and “Eve” — the name of faith.

  • hath god forgotten to be gracious?

    Psalm 77

    We should allow God to answer our questions, especially in troubling times.  God always gives us hope!  Through the 77th chapter of Psalm is seen two musicians, the three parts of man and of music, six questions posed, five choices made, and the one hope that God gives.

  • the enabling grace of god

    I Timothy 1:8-17

    After Paul was saved it was evident that God was working in his life.  Just as the Apostle Paul, God works in a saved person’s life.  In this message we see God’s Election, Entrusting, and Enabling.

  • the crown of life

    I Peter 5:10

    We can have great hope during life’s suffering and struggles as we look forward to the crown and promises to come.  We look backward to the sufferings of Christ on the cross and the crown awaiting us which brings great comfort during times of trials and troubles.  

  • the wiles of the devil

    Nehemiah 6:1-16

    In this passage of Scripture is a wonderful account of the rebuilding of the walls by the Jews.  The devil’s people were constantly working to undermine the work of God and to see that it was brought to a halt.  Anytime we’re doing a work for God, we know the devil is not just going to sit idle.    The spiritual parallel for us today is that as we strive to live for Christ there will be great opposition! 

  • Old testament resurrection

    Matthew 22:29-32

    The New Testament rises and falls on the Resurrection, but what about the Old Testament?  As the New is in the Old concealed, the Old is in the New revealed.  The Old Testament God is the God of the living, and the Old Testament teaches a resurrection of the dead.  

  • centrality of the resurrection

    I Corinthians 15

    Christianity is a person. . . Jesus Christ!  His great work of redemption is sealed by His resurrection.  In the “Resurrection Chapter” of God’s Word, the centrality of our Lord’s resurrection is declared. Pastor Sargent outlines the chapter under the headings of the picture, proof, priority, process, persuasion, particulars, promise, and prompting of the resurrection.

  • the word of god's grace

    Colossians 1:1-8

    We should be commended to the word of God’s Grace.  In the message, the scripture passage gives a clear picture of God’s grace through the Word, the Word Heard, the Word Working, and the Word Preached.

  • the blood of jesus christ

    Deuteronomy 32:14

    The blood of Jesus Christ was a necessary part of the Lord’s Table.  Remission comes through the offered blood of the Son, Redemption comes through the precious blood of the Lamb, and Remembrance comes through the pure blood of the grape.

  • the next lord's supper

    Mark 14:12-26

    Today’s scripture passage is the account of the institution of the Lord’s Supper.  This ordinance of the Lord’s Table is for a New Testament church to observe, it requires personal soul-searching, it is symbolic, and is anticipatory.  This solemn occasion reminds us of the cost of salvation and the great hope it represents.

  • the rock song

    Deuteronomy 32

    Music can be very instrumental to teach us, admonishing us, and remind us of the Lord’s work in our life.  The song spoken by Moses centers our attention on The Rock of hope which is God!  The song bears witness and brings wisdom.  Godly music focuses on God, bears witness of Him and His word, and we His creation in comparison, and brings wisdom from the past and the future to bear upon the present.

  • a response to victory through grace

    Joshua 24:14; Ephesians 6:24

    Has God ever wrought a victory in your life through grace?  How long does the commitment to love and serve the Lord following a victory last?  God commands our response to victory through grace to be to love and serve in sincerity continually!

  • What are you thinking?

    Philippians 2:1-13

    What is your opinion?  What is your world view?  What are you thinking?  What is your mindset?  We are to have a like-mindedness with God.  There are three kinds of mindsets that relate to the battles Christians engage in every day: Contrary, Converted, and Commendable.

  • how to be a disciple maker

    John 1:35-46; 20:19-23

    The calling of the first disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ is recounted in the scripture passage for today’s message, and the commissioning of the Lord’s church at the conclusion of Christ’s earthly ministry.  Each of His disciples were trained and challenged to reproduce themselves; just as we are to do today.  This message focuses on the basics of reproducing ourselves by (1) finding someone, (2) inviting them to join you on a journey, (3) spending time with them, (4) challenging them to grow to new heights of faith, and (5) anticipating them leaving the nest to become disciple makers themselves.

  • the value of discipleship

    Hebrews 6:1-20

    The book of Hebrews was written to Jews who were struggling to reconcile their traditions and culture with the Gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  The sixth chapter of Hebrews presents the Lord’s desire for each of His children, that they would grow in Him to perfection (spiritual maturity).  Many Christians remain stunted (not grown), stagnant, or still sucking on the milk of God’s word instead of growing in grace.  This message will help guide a believer as they seek to grow in Christ.

  • his dear son

    Colossians 1:13-20

    God’s dear Son is to have preeminence in all things. When one makes “His dear Son” their dear Saviour through repentance and faith, that person receives redemption through His blood, and the forgiveness of all sins. To continue as a Christian to give His dear Son preeminence in all things—devotion, doctrine, and duty—is to make Jesus increase and self-decrease.

  • mediocrity is not an achievement

    Numbers 14:24

    Why is it that Christians often settle for average?  Our goal should not be the minimums when it comes to living for Christ.  Mediocrity is not an achievement, but we are rather to follow God fully with another spirit.  Caleb was such a man who had another spirit with him, and he followed God fully.  We can take great encouragement by examining the life of Caleb.

  • the joyful and the killjoys

    Luke 5:27-39

    God’s intention is that our life in Christ be filled with joy.  As Jesus was at a great feast, lookers-on outside murmured.  In this message the different groups of people that gathered (Matthew, the Publicans, the Pharisees, and the Disciples of John) fell into one of two groups: Joyful or Killjoys.  Satan will use any means to kill your joy!

  • the baptism of jesus

    Matthew 3

    The beginning of Jesus’ public ministry began with His baptism at the hands of John the Baptist.  In verse fifteen of the text Jesus makes the statement “. . . for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness.”  With these words, Jesus spoke of the mode, the importance, the association, and the symbolism of scriptural baptism.

  • the scapegoat - hands of atonement

    Leviticus 16:20-22

    II Corinthians 5:21 says, For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”  This verse is a great description of the passage in Leviticus concerning the Scapegoat: Leviticus 16:21  “And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness:”

  • the seven temples of god

    Deuteronomy 12:1-7

    A temple is a dwelling place of God, a place where God manifests His special presence among His people.  Tonight’s Bible study focuses our attention on seven temples mentioned all throughout the Scriptures.

  • exercising grace in times of marital difficulties

    I Samuel 1:1-8

    Hannah is best known for her commitment of faith, but she also was a wife who was unfulfilled, depressed, and a worrier. Her husband, Elkanah, was frustrated because, although he loved his wife dearly, he did not know how to help her. So, he did what every husband should do when they don’t know what to do.

  • parenting with perfect peace

    Proverbs 22:6

    Keep proactively, purposefully, and consistently parenting biblically. Don’t be defeated by your inability to turn off your child’s free will. You can influence their ways according to the principle of Proverbs 22:6.

  • the great altar of the millennial kingdom

    Ezekiel 43:13-27

    The prophet Ezekiel wrote during the Babylonian captivity and presents an intensely apocalyptic picture of future events.  In this message Pastor Sargent walks us through the book of Ezekiel, showing us a preview of the Millennial Kingdom and, in particular, of the great altar that will memorialize the CAUSE of the age of peace and righteousness.

  • the last words of jesus christ

    Revelation 22:6-21

    In this message, Pastor Sargent expounds upon the last promise of the Bible — the imminent return of Jesus Christ for the saints. He explains, not only the pretribulational Rapture, but the practical ramifications of the blessed hope in the life of the believer. 

  • the response to victory

    II Samuel 12:26-31

    In the account of General Joab and King David’s defeat of the Ammonites there are lessons to be learned from each of their responses.  As is seen in Joab, we too need to give all the glory to the King.  Also, as David, every Christian will struggle when they are out of the will of God.

  • prospering withersoever thou turneth

    Proverbs 17:8; I Kings 2:1-4

    Comprehensive prospering of the next generation requires strength of character to keep God’s word that they may be as precious stones in the eyes of the Lord.  Pastor Geist brings to our attention the Context of Succession, the Charge of Strength, and the Clarification of Submission from the texts.

  • how to experience the grace of life in your marriage

    I Peter 3:1-7

    A married couple is to be as heirs together of the grace of life.  Pastor Sargent presents from the passage four essentials for experiencing grace of life in your marriage: (1) Submission, (2) a Separation, (3) Sensitivity, and (4) Singularity.

  • hearken unto your father

    Genesis 49:1-2

    Fathers aren’t perfect, but a dad’s wrestling with God can yield changes that are profitable to their children. In spite of a father’s flaws, children are to still “honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;).”

  • grace comes from the father, not the flesh

    Genesis 32:1-23

    Grace is not a New Testament invention.  Grace was before the law.  Grace comes from the Father and not from the flesh.  In this message Pastor Geist presents from this passage the Father’s gracious Protection as opposed to Fleshly Fears, the Father’s gracious Provision as opposed to Fleshly Fulfillment, and the Father’s gracious Presence as opposed to Fleshly Forewarnings.

  • stewarding manifold grace, part II

    Genesis 24

    Peter exhorts us to be “good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” Genesis 24 records the principled actions of Abraham’s good steward for our learning, application, and profit. Pastor Geist gleans from this passage the good stewarding principles of Sobriety, Selectivity, Responsibility, Capacity, Sovereignty, Priority, Gratuity, and Accountability. 

  • unity out of diversity

    Acts 2:41-47; I Cor. 12:13-18; Eph. 4:7-16

    As every New Testament Church is likened unto a body, so is Jesus Christ as its Head.  In the message Pastor Sargent explains how God enables unity to be achieved.

  • stewarding manifold grace, part I

    I Peter 4:1-10

    What does it mean to be “good stewards of the manifold grace of God?" In Peter’s first epistle, manifold trials of our faith require God’s manifold gifts of grace. Once they are identified, how are gifts of grace to be stewarded in a very practical and biblical way?

  • the sanctity of human life

    Job 33:4

    Human life is set apart by God and for God.  God made you; God gave you your life; and your life is sanctified. Don’t end your life, or that of another—born or unborn. Pray for God’s enabling grace to live out His purpose in your life to the end of your fullness of days.

  • grace warns and faith moves

    Hebrews 11:7

    Grace without faith leaves sinners eternally condemned, and God’s gracious warning without our moving by faith with fear places saints unnecessarily troubled—potentially in constant crisis.

  • i will fear no evil

    Psalm 23:4

    The most common emotion in men is fear, especially in the days of the current pandemic.  However, fear of death is man’s greatest fear.  In this message Pastor Sargent preaches about the Categories of Fear and Conquering Fear.

  • overview of spiritual gifts

    Romans 12:4-8

    After explaining the differences between the “sign” gifts and the “serving” gifts, Pastor Sargent shows how a believer is to use his or her gift, stir it up, and nurture it.  The text yields three thoughts concerning spiritual gifts: The Right Vessel, the Right Place, and the Right Exercise.

  • A living sacrifice

    Romans 12:1-3

    Pastor Sargent expounds upon three requirements involved in presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice: (1) Capitulation, (2) Calibration, and (3) Collaboration.

Video  Message Archives 2018-2021

Here you will find previously recorded audio and video files of Sermons preached at Bible Baptist Church.
  • the wind bloweth

    John 3:8

    As Jesus explained the second birth to Nicodemus, the Pharisee and ruler of the Jews asked, “How can these things be?”  Pastor Geist presents the wind as an object lesson compared to the indwelling Holy Spirit by showing the Witness of the Spirit, the Work of the Spirit, and the Word of the Spirit.

  • continuing on in grace

    Acts 2:41-47

    No matter the planning that goes into future events, changes oftentimes happen.  As the theme for 2021 is reiterated through this message by Pastor Sargent, how did you fare with continuing stedfastly throughout the year in the following areas: the Apostles Doctrine and Fellowship, Breaking of Bread, Prayers, Charity, and Soul-Winning?

  • the virgin birth

    Isaiah 7:1-16

    The supernatural prophecy of the promised seed from Heaven to the earth.  This prophecy was penned around 735 years before Christ and fulfilled exactly as the prophet said.  The virgin birth was a fact and necessary because of the transmission of sin.  Through Christ’s birth we have assurance of home in Heaven one day.


    II Peter 1:1-12

    We need God’s enabling grace that we may serve Him.  In this message Pastor Sargent presents from the scriptures an example of how God supplies sufficient grace and how grace is multiplied.

  • let us have grace

    Hebrews 12:18-29

    As the theme for 2022, Pastor Sargent presents “Let Us Have Grace.”  Specifically bringing to light What we Have, What we Need, and How we Serve God by grace.

  • not rote but rejoicing

    II Corinthians 1:8-14

    We trust God’s delivering resurrection power but we can also help each other by prayer. In this message Pastor Geist challenges the status quo regarding praying more scripturally.  Specific areas presented are the Pastors and Precants, and the Partnership between the two.

  • god needs men like amos

    Amos 7:1-17

    In the days of Amos was a time of great spiritual darkness; much like today.  God’s Word is the plumbline, which is the foundation to which all is measured. How do you measure up?  We need men who would be willing to share God’s plumbline.

  • reasonable is not always biblical

    Acts 5:17-42

    The Apostle Paul was brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, one of the most revered teachers of the Jewish law. When the Jewish leadership was about to slay the Apostles for preaching the gospel, Gamaliel counseled to let them go. He reasoned that if the Apostles were not of God, their movement would eventually fade on its own; and if they were in truth of God, it would be senseless fighting against God. Was Gamaliel’s counsel biblical, and are we to apply it as Christians?

  • the woman who saved christmas

    II Chronicles 22:10-12

    Jesus’ birth is a historical and an essential fact.  We need to be reminded of the purpose of Jesus’ coming.  God’s promises will prevail, even through the most difficult and unlikely circumstances.

  • because we love the brethren

    1 John 3:10-18

    This message considers the believer’s behavior in response to receiving the love of God in Christ. Pastor Sargent examines the nature of brotherly love, showing that it is to be Sacrificial, Sympathetic, Substantial, and exercised Scripturally.

  • behold what manner of love

    1 John 3:1-9

    In this message, Pastor Sargent enjoins the believer to “behold” (observe and take hold of) the infinite love of God. In this message dealing with the bestowal of God’s love, three wondrous aspects are brought forth: (1) The Placement of God’s love, (2) The Prospect of God’s love, and (3) the Progress of God’s love in our lives.

  • herod the fox

    Luke 23:1-12

    In the middle of His week of passion, Jesus was brought before Herod the Fox. In this message, Pastor Geist teaches via the negative example of Herod’s Fame, Folly, and Friend. We’re to be wise as serpents, harmless as doves, but NOT as Herod the Fox!

  • a word to the weary

    Isaiah 50:4

    Whatever the season in life you are going through, the Saviour has a word to the weary.

  • so send i you

    John 20:19-21

    In this message Pastor Geist presents two aspects of wolves and sheep: (1) Wolves amidst the Sheep and (2) Sheep going out amidst the Wolves.  Pastors as under shepherds Evaluate, Expose, and Expel wolves amidst the sheep (church).  As sheep, believers must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

  • taken from you in presence, not in heart

    Pastor Jeremiah Sargent as part of our 2021 Missions Conference.

  • believers in thessalonica

    Evangelist Simon Jacob as part of our 2021 Missions Conference.

  • which peace do you have?

    Evangelist Matt Miller as part of our 2021 Missions Conference.

  • what is the gospel

    Evangelist Pene Faafouina as part of our 2021 Missions Conference.

  • staying awake

    Evangelist Seth Richards as part of our 2021 Missions Conference.

  • defend the true gospel

    Galatians 2:11-21

    Paul was passionate about the true gospel.  Where is that passion in people today?  Believers are to Protect, Preach, and Pattern the gospel.

  • the joy of godly people

    2 John 1-6

    The book of Second John has a main theme of a call for discernment.  Two concerns expressed in the passage is how believers relate to other believers and how believers are to respond to spiritual threats.  In this message Brother Sargent presents a godly man’s Rejoicing, Request, and Reminder.

  • praiseworthy thinking

    Philippians 4:4-9

    The life of peace is a life of joyful obedience, of daily restraint, of consistent prayer, and of proper thought.  This message presents insight from God’s word on your thought life.  Do you have praiseworthy thinking?  If God were to take a walk through your mind, what would He see?

  • evidence for supernatural origin of species

    This is the final sermon in a series by Dr. Pat Briney at our Bible Conference 2021.

  • evidence for supernatural origin of universe and life

    This is the sixth sermon in a series by Dr. Pat Briney at our Bible Conference 2021.

  • the science of origins and intelligent design

    This is the fifth sermon in a series by Dr. Pat Briney at our Bible Conference 2021.

  • creation evangelism - the need for an answer

    This is the fourth sermon in a series by Dr. Pat Briney at our Bible Conference 2021.

  • creation evangelism - combating irrelevance

    This is the third sermon in a series by Dr. Pat Briney at our Bible Conference 2021.

  • creation in six, 24-hour days

    This is the second sermon in a series by Dr. Pat Briney at our Bible Conference 2021.

  • lord, teach me to pray

    This is the first sermon in a series by Dr. Pat Briney at our Bible Conference 2021.

  • sacrificing for the gospel

    Acts 15:4016:5

    Sacrificing for the cause of Christ involves more than giving money.  There are other sacrifices that must be made for the sake of the Gospel. Pastor Sargent presents five areas of sacrifice that are necessary for effective missions: (1) the Men who are Sent, (2) the Sending Church, (3) Parents, (4) the Next Generation, and (5) the Supporting Churches.  Willing to sacrifice your Comfort, Companions, Children, Carcass, and Cash? 

  • angry at god?

    Is there a time for righteous indignation?  What about being mad at God?  Many times, a person is led to be mad at God because they experience tribulation in their life.  In this message Pastor Geist uses three examples (Cain, Jonah, and David) to illustrate the right and wrong way to respond to tribulation.

  • do you give satan the advantage?

    II Corinthians 2:1-17

    We need to acknowledge and understand our enemies.  It would be foolish to give the opposition an advantage.  Many times, Satan is given an advantage due to a lack of forgiveness on the part of a Christian.

  • what you are hearing makes you accountable

    Luke 8:16-18

    There are many responses to hearing the Word of God; those that try to suppress, those that try to forget, those that will flat out reject what the word of God is saying to them.  Whatever God speaks to your heart about through His word it is going to come up again in your life.

  • o god, strengthen my hands

    Nehemiah 6:1-19

    Are your worshipful heart and spiritual defenses lying in ruins? The good hand of God is vital to the rebuilding of your temple and walls. Enemies exist, repeatedly attacking to cause fear and stop the Lord’s work in your life. How is a Christian to respond? Learn from Nehemiah about the Attacks of the Lord’s Adversaries, the Response of the Lord’s Labourers, and the Strength of God’s Good Hand!

  • the historical adam

    Romans 5:12-21

    The fact that one specific first man Adam was created by God as literally interpreted in the Genesis account of creation is biblically and historically (and scientifically) accurate! To claim Adam is only allegorical, and to therefore remove him from history, is to remove the universal problem of sin from the human race. To remove the problem of sin is to consequently remove the need for the solution to our sin, the Lord Jesus Christ. Changing the first eleven chapters of Genesis from a literal history to an allegorical “mytho-history” changes not only Genesis, but the entire gospel of the New Testament. Removing historical Adam from Genesis destroys Paul’s gospel teaching to the Romans and Corinthians, and makes Jesus Christ a liar.

  • none but christ can satisfy

    Mark 8:1-9

    In this account of Christ feeding the four thousand, Pastor Geist expounds upon the scriptures to show that none but Christ can satisfy.  With many today seeking satisfaction everywhere else, the priority for satisfaction is J (Jesus), O (others), Y (yourself).

  • the end of the world

    II Peter 3:10-14

    In the world of uncertainty that we live in today, one thing is for certain, the Day of the Lord will come!  In this message Pastor Sargent paints a picture through the scriptures of the end times on the earth — with an interesting insight about the first creation.

  • do you hear me?

    Psalm 143

    We expect when we pray that God will not only hear us, but answer with action. God has a similar expectation when He speaks to us! Listen and learn how this psalm defines both hearing and trusting.

  • when trials turn to temptation

    James 1:1-16

    Trials and temptations are a part of the Christian life.  When pressures from trials and temptations come, we are to Guard our Thoughts about God and get a Grasp of Who God Really is.

  • the importance of joy

    Romans 14:13-19

    Joy is at the core of the Christian life.  In this message Brother Sargent shows through the scriptures that Christian joy is: (1) a Matter of Personal Fellowship, (2) a Matter of Priority, and (3) a Matter of Power.

  • where is the promise of his coming?

    II Peter 3:1-14

    Critics attempt to destroy our confidence in the Word of God; its credibility and content are constantly attacked.  In this message Pastor Sargent presents from the scriptures two things’ about the scoffers: What the Scoffers Forget and What the Scoffers Reject.

  • love your children: love god more!

    I Samuel 2:27-36

    The Bible certainly teaches parents to love their children! However, God’s Word also warns of the tragic consequences of loving and honoring your children more than God. Eli honored his sons more than God and suffered their loss in the flower of their age. Listen now as Pastor Geist gives some practical examples of how to love and honor God more than your children, as demanded by Christ of His disciples. 

  • two or three witnesses, part ii

    I John 5:6-10

    In this message Pastor Geist continues a study of God’s principle of requiring two or three witnesses.  Through the scripture passage he points our thoughts towards the witness of the Spirit as well as the Water and the Blood.

  • the critics and the word of god

    II Peter 3:1-4, 14-18

    There are many today that deny and defy the truth of God’s Word.  In this message Pastor Sargent presents three areas critics have put a question mark upon God’s Word: (1) Authorship, (2) Plenary Inspiration, and (3) Canonization.

  • two or three witnesses

    John 5:31-40, 8:12-19, I John 5:4-12

    In this message Pastor Geist presents God’s principle of requiring two or three witnesses. New Testament scriptural applications are seen relating to evangelism, church disputes, prayer, and accusations against an elder. Most importantly to salvation, Jesus declared His deity as the Christ, the Son of God by two or three heavenly witnesses!


    II Peter 2:1-22

    There is an ever-present danger of apostasy because there are many false teachers/reprobates today.  In this message Pastor Sargent presents from the scriptures their Motive, Method, and Mold.

  • the god of the old testament is the god of the new testament

    Isaiah 45

    Listen as Pastor Geist presents parallels between the 45th chapter of the “Mini Bible” Isaiah and the 45th book of the Bible, Romans. The teaching demonstrates that the God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament, looking at (1) The Righteous God, (2) The Creator God, (3) The Exclusive God, and (4) The Anointing God.

  • the purveyors of apostasy

    II Peter 2:1-3

    There are many false teachers in the world today just as there were in the days of the apostles.  In this message Pastor Sargent directs our attention to the agents of apostasy. . . . reprobates.  Through the scriptures he presents their Description and Doctrine.

  • the truth of God's word

    Luke 1:1-4

    What does the Bible teach concerning the existence of God?  Is there really a God?  If there is a God, what does that mean for me?  These questions are answered through Pastor Sargent’s exposition of the passage in the Gospel of Luke.

  • confidence in the bible

    II Peter 1:1-21

    We can have great confidence in God’s Word.  In this message Pastor Sargent presents the sufficiency of the scriptures to tell us everything we need to know.  The following aspects of the scriptures are discussed: Supernatural, Superiority, Supersedes, Surety, and Sanctuary.

  • the ladder of success

    II Peter 1:1-12

    The ladder of spiritual success if often difficult to climb due to backsliding and stagnation.  God’s desire is that all believers would have a successful, thriving life through Him.  In this message Pastor Sargent presents the Rest for the Ladder, the Rungs on the Ladder, and the Reach of the Ladder of spiritual success.

  • spiritual warfare through spiritual eyes

    2 Kings 6:8-23

    Spiritual eyes in spiritual warfare take us from fretting to “Fear not!” The prophet Elisha’s three prayers in spiritual warfare were not necessarily to change the circumstances, but rather the perception of the true battleground. 

  • WOW!

    Colossians 2:9

    Do you have a sense of WOW in your life as you contemplate the eternal fullness of Christ?  In this message Pastor Geist reminds believers to never lose the sense of “WOW” when considering the Lord Jesus Christ—all the fulness of the Godhead bodily!

  • the cure to complaining

    Proverbs 14:4

    One of the most common and serious sins that often goes unnoticed is grumbling and complaining.  In this message Brother Jeremiah presents four ways the scripture passage speaks about curing complaining: (1) Consider the Cost in Advance, (2) Putting Troubles in the Proper Perspective, (3) Considering the Loss of What I Think My Problem Is, and (4) When I see the True Wickedness of Complaining.

  • what am I?

    I Corinthians 15:9-10

    How do you see or describe yourself as a Christian?  In this message Pastor Sargent explains three aspects of the Christian life: (1) our Standing, (2) our State, and (3) our Striving.  Through the text is presented Paul’s Fixation, Facilitation, and Foundation as well as ten benefits of being IN Christ.

  • the answer for anxiety

    1 Peter 5:5-11

    In the world today many are struggling with some form of anxiety.  In this message Brother Jeremiah Sargent presents an Assessment of Anxiety as well as the Answer for Anxiety.

  • what the bible says about nakedness

    John 21:1-9

    The scene on a balmy night as the fishermen were working the Bible says Peter was naked.  What does the scripture teach concerning nakedness?  To what extent was Peter naked?  Pastor Sargent explains through the scriptures the definition of nakedness and how it applies to each of us.

  • follow me

    Matthew 4:18-22

    Christians are called to follow Christ first and foremost, as opposed to anyone or anything else. We are prone to lose sight of such succinct direction for our lives. When the command is followed, the applied promise is that Christ will then make us fishers of men. Listen now as Pastor Geist preaches following Christ first over Career, Family, Friends, or some Religious Leader.

  • the time of his distress

    2 Chronicles 28:1-4,19-27

    During the time of his distress king Ahaz set a bad example on what to do.  When distress comes and when difficulties come, in the time of your distress, what do you do?  Pastor Sargent presents through the scriptures the Cause, the Consequences, and the Coping with distress.  When we choose to leave God out of our lives, we will experience distress. 

  • the influence of a godly father

    Job 1:1-5

    In this passage God paints a beautiful picture of a father.  Brother Jeremiah answers from the scriptures what is a godly father is and how he can have influence upon others.  Two notable qualities are presented: (1) a Happy Family and (2) a Holy Family.

  • how to speak constantly

    Proverbs 21:28

    In this message Pastor Geist contrasts a False Witness and a True Witness.  Through the text the attributes of each type of witness is presented.

  • philip the guide

    Acts 8:26-40

    Philip is well known as a deacon and evangelist, however, another term that could be used for him is as a guide.  We, like Philip, must be ready to be used of the Lord.  There are those today that desire a guide. . . people pleading for someone to guide them spiritually.  Will you answer the call?

  • the number one destroyer of a marriage

    Matthew 19:1-9

    In this passage Jesus addresses divorce and gives the reason why so many succumb to it then and now; through the hardness of the heart.  Pastor Sargent presents the Cause, Consequences, and Cure for a hardened heart.

  • marital misery or happy haven

    1 Peter 3:1-13

    Many enter marriage without consulting “the” book on marriage, that is, the Bible.  The context of the previous chapter deals with submission in the face of difficulties and struggles.  Pastor Sargent brings out Instructions for the Wife, Instructions for the Husband, and Instructions for the Couple from the passage.

  • no man cared for my soul

    Psalm 142

    Whatever or whoever the adversary was, David saw his only hope to be in God.  Our problems may not appear as dramatic as David’s, but they are just as real, just a debilitating, just as overwhelming, and often just as frightening.  Whether our enemy is a person or a set of circumstances, our only hope is in the Lord!

  • i have gone astray like a lost sheep

    Psalm 119:176

    All we like sheep have gone astray (Isaiah 53:6)—prior to salvation, but sadly at times afterwards. What to do when we go astray is part of the ABC’s of Christianity:  (1) Admit you have Gone Astray, (2) Beg the Shepherd to Seek His Servant, and (3) Commit to not Forget His Commandments. Follow these actions to return to the Shepherd and Bishop of your soul, and stay there, understanding your role as a Sheep, Servant, and Student of the Word of God.

  • the lord is the resolving chord in the discord of life

    Psalm 40

    Just as dissonance in music needs to be resolved, our lives can have discord that needs to be resolved as well.  Dissonance means a lack of harmony or agreement between things.  Pastor Geist brings out two aspects of discordance from the text: (1) Timing that Cannot be Understood; and (2) Things that Cannot be Numbered. The Lord is the resolving chord in the discord of life!  

  • our strong delusion

    1 Chronicles 5:18-22

    During the heat of battle sometimes we ask for God’s help, but often we do not.  God can and will give us the strength to get through these times. . . if we would only ask.  Those that trust in God will have victory in whatever battle they face.  God can help you in your battles, you must trust His Plan, His Purpose, and His Power.

  • the soul-winner as a servant

    I Corinthians 9:15-23

    Paul’s approach in winning others to Christ was to be a servant to all.  He adjusted his approach when dealing with various people groups in order to present the same Gospel message.  Like Paul, we too must learn the following about a lost soul in order to present the gospel effectively — what that person believes or knows about (1) God, (2) the Bible, (3) Jesus Christ, and (4) the way of Salvation.  Understanding where a prospect is in these areas helps to guide the conversation towards spiritual matters.

  • save jesus only

    Matthew 17:1-8

    Peter, James and John’s familiarity with Jesus began to become an issue in their walk with Him.  Just like these men, we need the Father to humble us so that we could be used more effectively for Him.  Pride makes us unteachable; and we’ll not be profitable until we’re teachable.

  • save the son of thine handmaid

    Psalm 86:1-17

    Although David’s mother’s name is not given in scripture, this godly woman had a great impact on his life!

  • peter's message to cornelius, part ii

    Acts 10:44-48

    As the second part of the message regarding Peter presenting the gospel to Cornelius, Pastor Sargent presents how salvation is a work of God.  Three aspects of soul-winning are presented from the text: (1) Evidences of the Spirit’s Work, (2) Response to Salvation, and (3) Follow-up to Salvation.

  • peter's message to cornelius, part i

    Acts 10:34 -43

    As the Apostle Peter spoke to Cornelius, we can see the particular way he presented the gospel.  How we go about presenting the gospel is important.  Pastor Sargent brings out important points from the text, Peter explained: Who the Gospel is For, Peace, and When the Gospel Began.

  • there is hope

    Jeremiah 31:1-17

    This message extracts principles contained in this prophetic passage to highlight the hope God gives to His people in times of grief.  Using the examples of the grief of Job, the grief of the mothers of Bethlehem, and the grief of Jeremiah himself, Pastor Sargent applies the promises of God that bring hope to those who are grieving over loss. We may not understand the “WHY” when dealing with grief, but our focus needs to be on the “WHO” (the God of everlasting love)!

  • god's principle of compound interest

    Ephesians 5:14-17

    God’s principle of compound interest is not exclusive to money. It is rooted in God’s supernatural word, manifest in God’s physical creation, and applicable to God’s spiritual work. Compound interest manifests itself in our lives—for better or for worse. Pastor Geist presents three different aspects of compound interest: (1) Finances, (2) Family, and (3) Evangelism. When Christians put these simple thoughts into action, God’s compound interest does great things!

  • the three if's of proverbs 24

    Proverbs 24:10-12

    In this message, Pastor Sargent speaks about personal soul winning, specifically why many Christians do not win a soul to Jesus Christ.  The text bears out three reasons why this happens: (1) If thou Faint, (2) If thou Forbear, and (3) If thou Feign.

  • the meaning of dedication

    II Chronicles 15:1-19

    In this message, Pastor Sargent focuses on the subject of dedication, or consecration — using the example of King Asa of Judah.

    Asa’s story unfolds over three chapters of the book of Second Chronicles. Chapter 14 speaks of his REFORMS, and chapter 15 of REVIVAL (which followed his dedication of precious treasures to the Lord and His temple. Sadly, chapter 16 is all about Asa’s RETREAT, in which he took back that which he had dedicated to the Lord. Asa was one of the “good” kings of Judah, but in the end, he relied upon man instead of the Lord. In making application, Pastor Sargent highlighted several areas of life that Christians often dedicate to the Lord — such as their Time, their Talents, their Treasure, their Tribe (marriage, children), and of the Temple of their own body.

  • I am he that liveth

    Revelation 1:4-20

    The first chapter of the book of The Revelation records “the things which thou hast seen” — the first division of the book (Revelation 1:19).

    The “things” which John saw and was instructed to record was the vision of the resurrected, glorified Christ. As Jesus, the Great “I AM,” spoke to the aged apostle, He declared the words that are the central and defining message of true Biblical Christianity: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore.”

    This message is a triumphant exposition of this unique truth.

  • discourse on the way to gethsemane, part ii

    [The Discourses of Christ series #34]

    John 15:18-16:16

    As Christ concluded His farewell message to His church, He spoke to His disciples of the “Way of the World,” the “Purpose of the Paraclete,” and the power that would be theirs to overcome the world and win the lost to Him — namely, the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of the Word of God, and the power of prayer.

  • all sin is against god

    Joshua 7:1-26

    Some political and theological philosophies claim that personal liberty takes precedence over all. In contrast, the Bible teaches that we are to “use not our liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another” (Galatians 5:13). Looking at Israel’s defeat against Ai recorded in Joshua chapter seven, Pastor Geist draws out two principles from the text:  All sin is against God; and all sin affects others.

  • blessed forgiveness

    Psalm 32:1-5

    The sweet psalmist of Israel describes the blessedness of the LORD's forgiveness of sin in Psalm 32. The Lord Jesus Christ taught throughout His earthly ministry the interconnected principle of both receiving and extending blessed forgiveness.

  • discourse on the way to gethsemane, part I

    [The Discourses of Christ series #33]

    John 15:1-17

    After leaving the upper room, Jesus continued His farewell message to His church — which included important matters such as abiding in Christ and fruitfulness, persecutions, prayer, and the purpose or ministry of the Holy Spirit. In this message Pastor Sargent focuses our attention on the two key words in the text: "Abide," and "Fruit."


    1 Corinthians 12:18-27

    As Pastor Geist expounds upon the teaching about the Lord’s Table, we see that if members have not the same care one for another, they are in danger of being divided.  Through the text we are challenged to do two things: (1) Recognize God Tempers the Body Together, and (2) we are to Exercise the Same Care One for Another.


    John 14:15-31

    [The Discourses of Christ series #32]

    This is the final message of a three-part series on Jesus’ Upper Room Discourse.  In this sermon, Pastor Sargent presents the Identity of the Holy Spirit, the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and Impartment of the Holy Spirit.

  • the upper room discourse, part ii

    John 13:36-14:14

    [The Discourses of Christ series #31]

    As Pastor Sargent expounds upon the farewell words of Jesus Christ, spoken just hours before He went to the cross, this message considers several questions asked by His disciples. Jesus not only answered their questions, but also gave then (and us) words of encouragement and blessed promises.

  • the upper room discourse, part i

    John 13:25:31-35

    [The Discourses of Christ series #30]

    This is the first of a three-part series of messages on Jesus’ Upper Room Discourse.  Following the departure of the betrayer, Jesus begins giving to His church his farewell words in a very intimate, private conversation with His church. In this sermon, Pastor Sargent presents four components of the New Commandment: (1) the Command to Love, (2) the Causation of Love, (3) the Character of Love, and (4) the Corroboration of Love.

  • come together

    1 Corinthians 11:17-34

    Partaking of the Lord’s Table unworthily can cause weakness, sickness, and even death.  Personal and corporate examination and preparation are therefore sober imperatives prior to the Lord’s Supper.  In that context, Pastor Geist addresses divisions within a church: causes, preventative measures, and corrective actions.

  • the olivet discourse, part vii

    Matthew 25:31-46

    [The Discourses of Christ series #29]

    In this final message on the “Olivet Discourse,” Pastor Sargent explains the coming “Throne of Glory” judgment of the nations, pointing out the specific objectives of this judgment, and its two possible outcomes.

  • the olivet discourse, Part vi

    Matthew 25:14-30

    [The Discourses of Christ series #28]

    This second parable in Matthew 25 is the parable of the “Talents.” This is a parable about REWARDS for serving the Lord. Pointing out that, while we are not saved by our works, a believer is saved to work and labor for the Lord, Pastor Sargent explains the value of a talent and the accounting of a believer’s stewardship at the Judgment Seat of Christ. In this sermon, he presents the Axioms of Stewardship, the Areas of Stewardship, and the Accounting of Stewardship.

  • the olivet discourse, part v

    Matthew 25:1-13

    [The Discourses of Christ series #27]

    Pastor Sargent continues in the series on the Olivet Discourse with the parable of the “Ten Virgins.” This is a parable about the RETURN of Christ for His saints.  The Rapture will be sudden and unexpected.  Using the following expressions taken from the text — “They that were ready,” “The door was shut,” and “I know you not” — Pastor Sargent emphasizes the need of a personal salvation through Jesus Christ.

  • the qualities of a successful soul-winner

    Acts 8:26-40

    A successful soul-winner will have six essential qualities: (1) Be Tuned-in to the Lord, (2) Be Willing to be Inconvenienced, (3) Be Willing to Interact with People, (4) Have some Enthusiasm, (5) Have Skill in using the Scriptures, and (6) Know What is Involved in true Salvation.

  • The Olivet discoursse, part iv

    Matthew 24:29-35

    [The Discourses of Christ series #26]

    As the fourth part of a series on the Olivet Discourse, Pastor Sargent addresses Jesus’ answer to the question: What shall be the sign of the end of the world?  In this message, four aspects of the end of this present world order are: (1) the Calendar, (2) the Coming, (3) the Calling, and (4) the Clue.

  • the olivet discourse, part iii

    Matthew 24:15-28

    [The Discourses of Christ series #25]

    Jesus answered the second question asked by His disciples: What shall be the sign of thy coming? From this passage of scripture, Pastor Sargent uses the prophecy of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks and corresponding references in the book of The Revelation to explain and describe the Great Tribulation, which shall be as a time of Peril, Persecution, Pretense, and Punishment.

  • the olivet discourse, part ii

    Matthew 24:1-14

    [The Discourses of Christ series #24]

    As the second part of a series on the Olivet Discourse, Pastor Sargent addresses Jesus’ answer to the question: When shall these things be?  In this message, seven characteristics of the present day in which we live are presented as an age of: (1) Religious Deception, (2) International Conflict and Upheaval, (3) Natural Disasters, (4) Anti-Semitism, (5) False-Prophets, (6) Religious and Moral Apostasy, and (7) World Evangelism.

  • come

    Matthew 14:21-33

    God still needs preachers, and God still calls preachers. God used the text to reveal a call into the ministry for Pastor Geist, with Jesus’ one word response to Peter, “Come.” Have you prayerfully asked God if he’s calling you, and then searched the scriptures for His answer?

  • sovereignty and selection

    Genesis 24:1-21

    The Bible teaches both the sovereignty of God and the free will of man, regardless of our finite ability to understand the integration of those two truths. Listen to how the Holy Spirit teaches both “Sovereignty and Selection” from Genesis Chapter 24.

  • the olivet discourse, part i

    [The Discourses of Christ series #23]

    Matthew 24:1-3

    In the first message in a series on the Olivet Discourse, Pastor Sargent points to the fact of the prophetic significance of this passage.  He presents the prophetic context of the discourse from the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ discourse as well as the context of the discourse from the sermon itself.

  • how to present the gospel

    Acts 19:8-9

    The way TO life is THROUGH Jesus Christ; once saved, the way OF life is IN Jesus Christ.  Many Christians today know many scriptures, but do not have confidence in presenting the way of salvation.  All Christians bear the responsibility in giving the lost directions to “the way!”  Pastor Sargent presents how Paul used a consistent pattern in witnessing to others, and then taught on the four basic requirements of a soul winning approach.  Attached to the Audio Sermon page is an exercise for you to do regarding the Way of Salvation.

  • don't lose confidence

    Hebrews 10:32-37

    How is your faith?  We lose confidence when we take our eyes off Christ.  In this portion of Scripture Pastor Sargent gives three reasons to have a confidence boost: a Reminder of the Past, a Recommendation for the Present, and Rest in the Future.

  • the scribes and pharisees

    [The Discourses of Christ series #22]

    Matthew 23:1-12

    Pastor Sargent brings out five key points, both practical and doctrinal, from this passage in the Gospel of Matthew: Respect for Authority, the Reality of Hell, Rectitude without Regard, the Register of Scripture, and the Right of Refusal.

  • marriage and divorce

    [The Discourses of Christ series #21]

    Matthew 19:1-12

    As the twenty-fifth recorded discourse of Christ, this passage presents the harmony and hardship of marriage and divorce.  Pastor Sargent shows from the scriptures God’s plan for marriage and His will in the permanence of marriage.

  • integrity

    Job 2:1-10

    Integrity centers more on moral wholeness even in negative circumstances.  Through the scriptures Pastor Geist presents the characterization of Job’s integrity as through God’s testimony, Job’s wife, and Job’s own testimony.

  • in the garden

    Genesis 8:8-10

    In The Garden is a favorite hymn of many Christians. The text speaks of sweet fellowship with God in the garden of prayer. In Genesis Chapter Three we read of quite a contrast sin brings “in the garden,” changing the joy we can share as we tarry there to fear and hiding from God. In your garden of prayer, are you hiding from God or abiding in God? Do you cry out to God for help, or does he call out to you, “Where art thou?” Are you afraid, or do you boldly pray for mercy and grace to help in time of need? Listen now to evaluate your prayer time, In The Garden.

  • is there no balm in gilead?

    Jeremiah 8:18-22

    The weeping prophet Jeremiah grieved over his nation, the nation of Israel.  He showed a great burden for his people.  Many today demonstrate a lack of empathy for the lost all around us.  Our job is not to save, but to lead others to the Saviour.

  • what is your heart's desire?

    Romans 10:1-10

    As we live for Christ our goals should be directed by God’s word.  Many today have empty resolutions; however, the Apostle Paul is a great example of someone with strong heart’s desire.  Through the scriptures Pastor Sargent presents two things that will affect your heart: (1) See the Lost as God Sees them, and (2) Seek the Lost as God Seeks them.

  • List Item

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this text area, you will see the filler text disappear.

  • thy kingdom come

    [The Discourses of Christ series #20]

    Luke 17:20-37

    Through this discourse Christ uses two illustrations to show his second coming: the Days of Noe and the Days of Lot.  The way of salvation was presented by Christ, but none heeded the message.  Jesus IS coming again. . . are you ready? 

  • he is able to succour

    Hebrews 2:9-18

    Listen as the preached Word manifests Jesus Christ as the Captain of our Salvation, and our Merciful and Faithful Hight Priest! 

  • the epiphany of grace

    Titus 2:11

    Pastor Sargent presents the “theological announcement” of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Presented is not WHAT happened or HOW things happened, but most importantly, WHY the birth of Jesus happened.  This message focuses on the certainty and significance of Christ’s birth by presenting the text into its four statements: The Grace of God – that Bringeth Salvation – Hath Appeared – and – to All Men.

  • standing fast is not standing still

    Philippians 1:21-30

    Listen as the preached Word of God makes it clear that our Conversation is not simply Conversing, Standing Fast is not Standing Still, and Striving is not Strife-ing.

  • continuing stedfast, part ii

    Acts 2:41-47

    In this message Pastor Sargent continued presenting the vision for Bible Baptist Church for 2021 by showing how the church in Jerusalem continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in breaking of bread, in prayers, in charity, and in soul winning.  he also challenged all to "win one in  twenty-one!"

  • continuing stedfast, part i

    Acts 2:41-47

    In his "Vision Sunday" message to the church, Pastor Sargent referred to the Jerusalem church that was experiencing great blessings from God while passing through sever difficulties - noting how it "continued stedfastly" in fulfilling God's plan and purpose.  The emphasis for Bible Baptist Church for 2021 was presented: namely, to "Continue Steadfastly" in areas that are enumerated in the text.

  • fear and trust

    [The Discourses of Christ series #19]

    Luke 12:1-12

    Jesus spoke with the disciples, teaching them that crowds are not the important thing, the most important things is to preach the truth.  In this discourse Jesus spoke about fear and trust.  We are to fear the leaven of hypocrisy, God rather than man, and dying without Christ.  Two promises presented about trusting in the Lord is that He cares for us and He enable us to deal with difficult situations.

  • pursuing peace and building the brethren

    Romans 14:16-19

    Although we may not understand everything behind the scenes happening in our lives, omniscient God does.  If we desire to serve Christ acceptably before God and men, it is certainly not by judging or offending weaker brethren in meat or drink.  Rather, it is pursuing thing which make for peace, and build up the brethren.

  • not back to normal

    Philippians 3:7-14

    With everything that is happening in society and our personal lives it is easy to just say, “I want to get back to normal.”  Is that what God wants?  As believers we should not desire to go back to normal, rather we should desire higher ground!  In this message Pastor Geist presents losing & winning, conforming, perfecting, and pressing as the way to higher ground.

  • an evil generation

    Luke 11:29-36

    [The Discourses of Christ series #18]

    What would Jesus say about our generation today?  Would He give commendation or condemnation?  Jesus described the generation of His day as evil – not because of their wicked deeds so much as because of their unbelief.  Jesus presented Jonah (the prophet) and Solomon (the king) – and those that heard and responded to them – as witnesses to truth from the Old Testament.


    Luke 11:1-13

    [The Discourses of Christ series #16]

    This is the first of five discourses in what is known as “Luke’s Special Section.”  In this sermon, Christ is instructing His disciples about prayer.  Pastor Sargent highlights five “prayer truths” from the text: (1) the Paragon of Prayer, (2) the Pattern of Prayer, (3) Persistence of Prayer, (4) the Promise of Prayer, and (5) the Profusion of Prayer.

  • Not of men

    Galatians 1:1-24

    If we are not careful we make things in life and ministry man-centered and not 100% completely from God.  Pastor Geist presents areas in Paul’s life that were not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father.  Those areas are: his Apostleship, his Persuading and Pleasing, his Gospel Preaching, and his Training & Instruction. . . all of which were for the Glory of God.

  • the good shepherd

    John 10:7-18

    [The Discourses of Christ series #15]

    In the Bible, Jesus Christ is described as the Good Shepherd, The Great Shepherd, and the Chief Shepherd.  In expounding this discourse of Christ, Pastor Sargent presents the Shepherd and the sheep – the true sheep being those who have trusted the Good Shepherd Who died for all men.

  • abraham rejoiced to see my day

    John 8:20-59

    [The Discourses of Christ series #14]

    This was the fourth discourse spoken by Jesus Christ while in Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles and beyond.  As with the other three sermons, the discourse about Abraham was directed to the Jews, who trusted in their relationship to the patriarch.  Although Abraham lived almost two thousand years before Christ, he saw the day of Christ and rejoiced.  Pastor Sargent describes three ways in which Abraham saw Christ: (1) in the Promises of God, (2) in the Person of Melchisedec, and (3) in the Picture of Sacrifice.

  • shew me the money

    Matthew 22:15-22

    The Pharisees and Herodians tried to trap Jesus with a question about paying taxes to Caesar. Jesus turned the question back on them, focusing on rendering unto God the things that are God’s—our all. You may not like a particular Caesar, but Jesus’ teaching goes far deeper than simply paying taxes and tithes. Listen now to the Players Identified, the Penny Superscribed, and the Principle Applied.

  • Jesus Christ: THe light of the world

    John 8:12-20

    [The Discourses of Christ series #13]

    Jesus Christ is the light of the world. Christians are those that have come to the light. In this message Pastor Sargent shares five thoughts about the light of the world: it is a Supernatural Light, it is a Prophesied Light, it is an Exposing Light, it is a Saving Light, and it is to be a Reflected Light.

  • what is the purpose of having a missions conference?

    Galatians 2:1-10

    Oftentimes churches get distracted from fulfilling the great commission. Using the Jerusalem "conference" as a platform, Pastor Sargent presents four good reasons for having a missions conference: (1) to Certify the Men, (2) to Clarify the Message, (3) to Coordinate the Mission, and (4) to Celebrate the Miracles.

  • Maybe you're martha

    John 11

    Upon careful examination of the interaction between Jesus and Martha in John Chapter 11, we see the purpose (what God is trying to tell us ) was for the glory of God and for the building up of belief (the enabling and strengthening of our faith).  Pastor Geist presents for us that “Jesus loved Martha”, that Martha saith unto him, “I know”, and that she said “Yea, Lord: I believe.”

  • voting biblically, part iv

    Romans 1:18-25

    [Voting Biblically series]

    Pastor Sargent explains the Biblical worldview (contrasted with a man-centered worldview) regarding the environment and climate.  The six Biblical truths presented are: (1) God created the earth, (2) God owns the earth, (3) God has set man as a steward over the earth, (4)  stewardship means care and proper use of God’s creation, (5) God is active in, and in control of, His creation, (6) God will bring this creation to an end in His time.

  • red letter repentance

    Mark 1:14-15
    Jesus preached a gospel of inseparable repentance and faith. Even though scripture is clear that repentance is a requirement for remission of sins, many today dismiss repentance as not being a part of salvation. Pastor Geist defines belief/faith, repentance, and salvation. Do not present a false gospel by separating repentance and faith.

  • my father's business

    Luke 2:41-52

    We are not always in synchronization with the Heavenly Father’s business. . . but we should be!  In this message, Pastor Geist draws lessons from Joseph and Mary, and from Jesus as He went about His Father’s business at age twelve.

  • voting biblically, part iii

    Genesis 11:1-4
    [Voting Biblically series]

    As citizens we should cast an informed vote, which is made possible by comparing the party "platforms" obligating the candidates. The account of the "Tower of Babel" serves as an illustration of the clash of worldviews, and the need for restraint of human government. The attitude of many people today is that we will not have the Word of God direct our lives, but will put our confidence in man.

  • voting biblically, part ii

    Psalm 118:8,9 As a citizen, we should have a Biblical reason for how we vote. Our faith and trust MUST be in God (Psalm 118:8-9). Our beliefs and actions should be based upon a Biblical worldview. Pastor Sargent presents what the Bible says about the beginning of life, the propagation of life, and the preservation and preparation of life.

  • pregnancy and infant loss

    II Samuel 12:15-23

    Many families have experienced a loss during pregnancy or shortly after birth.  Each can find great comfort through God’s word.  As Pastor Sargent shares scripture to give comfort, he presents the following: understand your loss was the loss of a life and your grief is natural and proper.

  • voting biblically, Part I

    Psalm 118:8

    [Voting Biblically series]

    We have a responsibility as Christians and citizens to vote.  What is the diving purpose of government?  Is your worldview filtered through the Word of God?  In the first of a series of messages Pastor Sargent gives Biblical principles as a guide in voting.  Here he gives three statements regarding government from the Bible: (1) Government was initiated by God, (2) Government is ordained by God, and (3) Government is limited by God.

  • the age of accountability and the salvation of children

    Ecclesiastes 12:1

    In this message Pastor Sargent asks and answers three questions concerning the age of accountability and the salvation of children: (1) When is a child ready to be saved?, (2) What can a parent do to facilitate the salvation of their child?, and (3) How can I lead my child to Christ?

  • from weeping unto joy

    Nehemiah 8:5-8

    As the post-captivity remnant of southern Judah finished rebuilding the wall, we see a stark contrast between the goodness of God with the sinfulness of man. Past sins bring a time of weeping, but joy comes from confessing sins.

  • for he is faithful that promised

    Hebrews 10:23-25

    We are typically drawn to the encouragement to assemble in this passage, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together...” However, the parenthetical statement in verse 23 anchors the entire text. Pastor Geist encourages believers by explaining Who promised, how He promised, and what was promised.

  • the water of life

    John 7:37-39

    [The Discourses of Christ series #12]

    At the beginning of His “Later Judæan Ministry,” Jesus was in Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles. Part of the Jewish celebrations during this week-long feast was the illumination of the temple area with great lights and the water procession from the Pool of Siloam through the Water Gate to the temple, where water was poured out on the great altar. The words of Jesus revealed Him to be the provider of living water that would satisfy the believer in this life and the next.

  • when losing is winning

    Proverbs 20:14

    We are not geared to want to lose at anything in life.  However, sometimes we need to lose to win.  Pastor Geist uses several illustrations to demonstrate Biblical principles about winning and losing.

  • the message of the veil

    Hebrews 9:1-12

    The Book of Hebrews presents a stark contrast between the tabernacle of the Old Testament and the greater tabernacle in heaven.  Pastor Sargent presents three aspects regarding the veil within the tabernacle: (1) the resplendent veil,  (2) the restrictive veil, and the (3) rent veil.

  • Offences

    Matthew 18:1-18

    [The Discourses of Christ series #11]

    Even for believers, offences are a fact of life.  Many times offences can hinder and prevent salvation.  In this message Pastor Sargent presents four aspects of the subject of offences: (1) offensive attitudes, (2) offensive actions, (3) the arena of offences, and (4) offense arbitration.  The answer to getting past offences is forgiveness.

  • lessons from lydia

    Acts 16:11-15,40

    Lydia was a seeking worshipper that needed to be saved.  As we examine Lydia’s testimony, we gain great insight into the life of this new believer.  Through personal examination and application you will find great lessons from Lydia’s life.

  • biblical balance

    Proverbs 11:1

    The book of wisdom states that “a false balance is abomination to the LORD.” A false balance can use the wrong standard, or it can use a just weight and measure (God’s Word), with an improper balance. We need God’s wisdom to balance all biblical principles that apply to areas of life and godliness.   

  • true defilement

    [The Discourses of Christ series #10]

    Mark 7:14-23

    As Christ spoke to the Pharisees and the scribes, He was criticized concerning the disciples' eating with unwashen (defiled) hands.  Christ used this opportunity to teach about spiritual defilement.  Pastor Sargent presents two points concerning defilement: (1) sin is a heart matter, and (2) sin is an eternal matter.

  • the responsibility of a father

    Ephesians 6:4

    The Bible has a lot to say about the home and family relationships.  It takes effort for a father to influence his children. Pastor Sargent presents help for fathers to fulfill their responsibilities through three actions: (1) connect with your child, (2) correct your child, and (3) direct your child.  It is a great investment and joy to bring up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord!

  • the bread of life

    [The Discourses of Christ series #9]

    John 6:32-40

    The Jews in Jesus’ day failed to recognize the intent of Christ to point them to the One whom is the Bread of Life.  In this message Pastor Sargent outlines the path to salvation mistaken, the provision of salvation mirrored, the plan of salvation manifested, the presentation of salvation made clear, and the proposition of salvation mutilated.

  • the beginning of missions

    [The Discourses of Christ series #8]

    Matthew 9:36-38

    Many times we place limits on our service for Christ. When considering the beginning of missions, Pastor Sargent presents seven points on preaching the gospel: its prerequisites, provision, plan, problems, promise, the price to be paid, and the payment received.

  • willing and wanting

    Isaiah 6:1-8

    Our wanting can taint our willingness.  Pastor Geist shares points from Scripture concerning how our willing should lead to our wanting and reversing taints the process.  Also, our wanting is not necessarily God’s willing.  We need to have a yielding willingness that leads to His willingness!

  • the blessedness and value of christian fellowship

    Acts 28:14,15

    There is something special about belonging to a church.  The Apostle Paul recognized this and sought out brethren during the last leg of a long journey to Rome.  Pastor Sargent presents what is meant by church fellowship and three important reasons for church fellowship: (1) putting God first, (2) commanded by God, and (3) uniquely sacred.  We NEED church fellowship!  Instruction for each Christian. . . attend and be faithful!


    Jeremiah 10:24

    In this passage the prophet Jeremiah speaks on behalf of Judah.  Three things the prophet asks God to do is to correct, give judgment, and not act in anger.  These are the same things to consider as a child of God and as a parent towards our own children.  Pastor Geist brings out personal and parental applications through the plea of this prophet. 

  • the spirit of antichrist

    1 John 4:1-6
    Believers are engaged in spiritual warfare that rages far beyond the daily frustrations, temptations, afflictions, and disappointments that are part of life in a fallen world. The real battlefield exists in "high places," where the Spirit of truth and the spirits of error battle for mastery over the souls of men and the nations of the world. In this message Pastor Sargent presents the spirit of antichrist - specified, prophesied, and identified.

  • when god says no

    2 Samuel 10:18-29

    How do you respond when God says "No?"  King David was told "NO" when he had set his heart to do something for the Lord.  David's reaction gives a great example of how we should respond when God shuts a door in our life.

  • the book of life

    Luke 10:17-20

    "Rejoice, your name is written in Heaven."  In this message about the Book of Life, Pastor Sargent considers when it is that a name is written in the Book, what it means to have one's name removed from the Book of Lifer, and how the Book of Life will be used in the Great White Throne Judgment of God.

  • google god first

    Psalm 46

    There are troubles all around us today, even in our own lives many times.  Noted in Psalm 46 Pastor Geist presents God as our refuge, God’s presence during times of trouble, and reflections upon application of God’s word in our life.

  • i can't breathe

    Acts 17:16-34

    Breath = life!  Here Pastor Geist challenges believers to make every breath count.  He presents the benevolence, brevity and behavior of breath relating to our Christian life.

  • Satan, Speech, Signs & Spirits

    [The Discourses of Christ series #7]

    Matthew 12:22-45

    Pastor Sargent presents the Spirit invincible, sin indefensible, the sign indisputable, and the state insufferable.

  • the way of cain

    Genesis 4:1-8

    Genesis Chapter 4 marks the beginning of crime and religion.  Presented in the message are the only two religions in the world: the way of Cain and the faith of Abel.  Both men knew they had a sin problem, and knew when and where to come, and what to bring.  It is the religion that is based upon faith in Jesus Christ that saves.

  • boldness in our witness for jesus christ

    Acts 17: 15-34

    We find great boldness as Paul preached to the Athenians.  There was a great need for the voice of truth to be heard then and today.  Pastor Sargent discusses how boldness is obtained and the outcomes that are possible.  Are you a willing to speak up about Jesus Christ?

  • do the work of an evangelist

    II Timothy 4:5

    Timothy is charged by Paul to do the work of an evangelist, though not to BE an evangelist. In this message, Pastor Sargent explains the ministry of an evangelist, then shows how all believers — whether an evangelist, a pastor, or a regular church member — are to do the WORK of an evangelist in seeking to win souls to Christ.  

  • what went ye out for to see?

    [The Discourses of Christ series #6]

    Matthew 11:7-19

    In this discourse to the multitudes, Jesus defended John the Baptist as the mighty Gospel preacher he was.  Pastor Sargent expounds upon the man, his mission, and his mark, highlighting the fact that John was the first Gospel preacher, the forerunner of Christ, and the one who prepared a people (baptized believers) with which the Lord Jesus Christ built His church.

  • chaos out of order

    Proverbs 30:21-23

    The four disquieting (intolerable/disruptive) things listed in the text presents areas where not following God creates chaos.  Chaos results when we decide God is not needed.  As Christians, our life must be orderly!

  • the sermon on the plain

    Luke 6:17-49
    This discourse presents the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This Lordship must be affirmed, acknowledged and ultimately applied in each of our lives. Jesus IS Lord, but is He Lord in all areas of your life?

  • how canst thou run with the horses

    Jeremiah 12:1-5
    In these uncertain times we live in, it is increasingly difficult to live for Christ. We need not withdraw; but draw nigh to God. God gives us answers and it is up to us to adjust like Jeremiah the prophet did.

  • but our eyes are upon thee

    2 Chronicles 20:6-12

    As the prayer of Jehoshaphat is examined closely, we too can see that we need to learn how to pray in a crisis before the crisis.  We are too weak in crisis to not have strength in prayer.  Acknowledgement of God's attributes, prayed promises, and standing before a sovereign God showed Jehoshaphat's attitude towards prayer.

  • go fish

    Matthew 4:19; 28:18-20

    In the sea of humanity our worldview dictates how we react to a crisis.  As fishers of men, we must not lose sight of the great commission.

  • let thy word be verified

    2 Chronicles 6:17

    “Trust, but verify” is a rhyming Russian proverb that was used by President Reagan in Cold War nuclear disarmament talks. Can the phrase be used by man to speak of the completely trustworthy Almighty God? Not in questioning His trustworthiness, but to prove it in our daily lives!

  • how do you see the bible?

    2 Timothy 3:10-11

    Do you view the Bible as descriptive or prescriptive? Do you view the Bible as a narrative or an imperative? The answer molds your Christian character! Listen as the Apostle Paul writes to his son in the faith Timothy of Paul’s instruction, application, and motivation for service unto the Lord.

  • walk at liberty

    Psalms 119:45 Our Country, the world, and even greater Christendom tend to pervert liberty. The biblical understanding of liberty is not the right to do whatever one wants, but the right to seek and do right! The irony of liberty is that the world and false “Christian” teachers promise liberty and deliver bondage, whereas God promises and delivers true liberty from bondage to those who seek and keep His precepts in their daily sanctified walk.

  • the sermon on the mount, part nine

    Matthew 7:13-27
    In the concluding message of the series on Christ's "Sermon on the Mount," Pastor Sargent presents the third main division of the discourse — notably, "The Decisions FOR the Kingdom." The message examines each of the two alternatives from which man must choose: one of two roads; one of two kinds of fruit; one of two professions; and one of two foundations upon which to build.

  • the sermon on the mount, part eight

    Matthew 7:1-12 “Judge not!” is the response from many whenever they are confronted with the Gospel or Biblical truth. In this message, Pastor Sargent addresses exactly what the Bible teaches and does not teach about judging and discerning — pointing out that, in the context of the Sermon on the Mount discourse, Jesus was addressing the hypocritical kind of judgmentalism so typical of the scribes and Pharisees of His day. Pastor Sargent sets forth five key principles on how Christians should exercise righteous judgment.

  • the seed of bitterness

    Genesis 4:1-12

    Pastor Sargent presents the cause, curse, consequences and cure for bitterness.

  • responding to rule

    1 Timothy 1:17-2:6; 6:14-16

    We are to pray for and obey government and church authorities.  However, our ultimate hope, trust, and refuge is the Lord Jesus Christ and His future government.

  • dinosaurs in the bible

    Job 40:15-24

    Dinosaurs and the Bible are completely compatible. Why isn’t the word “dinosaur” in the Bible? What Bible names are given for dinosaurs? Did man ever walk with the dinosaurs? Why is the world so adamant about their false dinosaur narrative, separating dinosaurs from man by 65 million years? As God commanded Job, “Behold now behemoth!”

  • the sermon on the mount, part seven

    Matthew 6:19-34

     While contrasting the practices of the religious Jews with kingdom life, Jesus introduces two key principles to His disciples. The need for an “undivided allegiance” and an “unflappable assurance” are explained and expounded upon by Pastor Sargent.

  • look unto me

    Isaiah 45:14-25

    Pastor Sargent presents a life changing message with a detailed exposition of Verse 22 to show the How, Who and Why of salvation.

  • how leaders inspect

    Nehemiah 13:1-3.
    Leaders must inspect what they expect. When Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem after a time back in Persia, he discovered that many changes for the worse had occurred among the Jews. The actions he took to rectify the serious situations he encountered provide sound principles for fathers, pastors, and those in positions of leadership to employ. Pastor Sargent brings out four steps for inspecting the progress of those we are called upon to lead.

  • god wants to hear you sing

    II Samuel 15:1-30 & Psalm 3

     When enemies pursued David, the historical narrative records his fear. In contrast, parallel Psalms pen the power of music unto David’s praise of the LORD, and his personal peace and joy. We must not underestimate the praise and power of music! David got it; Paul and Silas got it; the Lord Jesus Christ got it. What about you?

  • the sermon on the mount, part six

    Matthew 6:1-18
    Previously, Jesus addressed what the religious leaders preached. In this passage, Jesus addresses how they practiced. The word "hypocrite" comes to the fore, and Jesus taught His disciples that the practice of the true faith must extend from the heart that God sees, rather than for the praise of men.

  • the sermon on the mount, part five

    Matthew 5:21-48

    Jesus Christ not only fulfilled the Law, but He elevated it by contrasting the "letter" of the Law with the "spirit" of the Law. While this teaching exposed the fallacy of Phariseeism, it also raises the bar of impossibility for sinners to be saved by their own righteousness.

  • why then call ye me naomi?

    Ruth 1:21

    Naomi rhetorically asked why her city would call her Naomi--Pleasant, after she suffered afflictions under the hand of the Almighty. The answer is not to get bitter, but better; meditating upon the grace of God in and through the challenging seasons of life.

  • how leaders delegate

    Nehemiah 7:1-4

    Nehemiah was not only a wallbuilder, he was also the appointed governor of Judah -- a position he held for 12 years. In order to be successful in this second role, Nehemiah delegated his leadership responsibilities.

    In this message, Pastor Sargent discusses the two keys of delegation.

  • reformation baptists

    Hebrews 9:1-12

    Baptists are inextricably tied to the Reformation. We follow a priest ordained hundreds and hundreds of years ago. His name is not Martin Luther, but the Lord Jesus Christ. We look not to the Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century, but the “Time of Reformation” (Hebrews 9:10) of the First Century. We rightfully run from the false history that labels Baptists as Protestants, but we can correctly claim the name, “Reformation Baptists.” Puzzled? Listen now!

  • the sermon on the mount, part four

    Matthew 5:17-20

    From this text, Pastor Sargent brings out three great statements made by the Lord Jesus Christ concerning the Law — the FULFILLMENT of the Law; the FINALITY of the Law; and the FAILURE of the Law.

  • the sermon on the mount, part three

    Matthew 5:1-16

    Pastor Sargent concludes his exposition of the first part of the Sermon on
    the Mount (dealing with the "Denizens of the Kingdom") by looking at the two
    metaphors our Lord uses to describe the believer's calling - both Salt and

  • let us run

    Hebrews 12:1-4

    Good, better, best; never let it rest; until your good is better and your better is best!

  • how leaders deal with discouragement

    Nehemiah 5:1-5

    Satan often utilizes a two-pronged attack against Christian homes and the Lord’s churches. Nehemiah and the Jews faced severe opposition from the enemies of God without (externally). When this failed, the attack came from within(internally), resulting in a great discouragement. In this message, Pastor Sargent identifies six steps undertaken by Nehemiah to deal with the serious problem that had arisen among the Jewish builders, and the discouragement that ensued.

  • forced foolishness

    I Samuel 13:1-14

    Why did the LORD seek David to be king, as a man after God’s own heart? Because of King Saul’s “Forced Foolishness.” Have you ever convinced yourself that you were forced by circumstances to violate God’s Word, because you were weary of waiting for the Lord? The only one who forces you into foolish sin is yourself. Learn the lesson from King Saul, and make application to your own life.

  • the sermon on the mount, part two

    Matthew 5:1-16

    In this message, Pastor Sargent concludes his explanation and application of the Beatitudes.

  • how leaders deal with opposition

    Nehemiah 4:1-6

    Opposition to leadership "goes with the territory." It is the price leaders must pay. The question is, How should leaders handle the opposition that inevitably comes? The example set by Nehemiah is invaluable, and Pastor Sargent brings out some practical steps for those in any place of leadership to follow.

  • The sermon on the mount, part one

    Matthew 5:1-16
    The third recorded discourse of Jesus is His longest, His greatest, and, in
    many ways most controversial. Pastor Sargent brings out the context and the
    theme of this discourse before considering the first four of "The

  • Children of the resurrection

    Luke 20:27-40

    Be encouraged by this Resurrection Day message, as Jesus contrasts the "children of this world" with the CHILDREN OF THE RESURRECTION. The Sadducees tried to trap Jesus, and fell into their own hole! They were sad, you see, because they said that there is no resurrection.


    Malachi 2:1

    While one cannot escape the “dark side” of the indictments of the book of Malachi; you can neither ignore the Light of encouragement that shines through the pen of the prophet. Applied to the priesthood of believers, “O ye priests, this commandment is for you.”

  • never thirst again

    John 4:1-30
    The second recorded discourse of Christ was His interview with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well. In this message, Pastor Sargent compares and contrasts the Lord's discourse with this woman and that with Nicodemus, pointing out that all people, regardless of their station in life, need to be saved. As water is essential to life on earth, so the Water of Life is essential to life eternal.

  • how leaders organize

    Nehemiah 3
    The monumental task of rebuilding the walls of a ruined city required organization. This study in Nehemiah chapter three looks at the way in which the people were organized by their leader, Nehemiah. Application is made to the organization of the Lord's churches and the Christian family.

  • Ye must be born again

    John 3:1-21

    Pastor Sargent commences a series of messages on "The Discourses of Christ."

    Our Lord's private discourse with Nicodemus in John chapter three is His first recorded in the Word of God (chronologically).

    In this message, two questions are asked and answered: What does it mean to be born again? and, "How can I be born again?"


    Philippians 2:4

    The apostles aptly surnamed Joses of Cyprus, “Barnabas”—The son of consolation. As recorded in the book of Acts, Barnabas’ life and ministry embodied the principle taught in Philippians 2:4, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”


    Nehemiah 2:9-20

    Motivation involves the leader, the followers, and the Lord!

  • important message for members

    Pastor Sargent gives an update to members of Bible Baptist Church concerning our public meetings.

2018 Sermons

Click the images below to hear Bible preaching from the pulpit of Bible Baptist Church

Sermons older than 2018 are available by clicking on this link

  • Resorting ofttimes with jesus

    John 18:1-2

    An exhortation to Christians to oft times resort with Jesus in Gethsemane.

  • the worms of hell

    Mark 9:43-48

    Jesus clearly taught the reality of hell.

  • For We walk by faith

    2 Corinthians 5:6-9

    The foundational truth of walking by faith is often missed by Christians walking by sight.

  • It's Not An Isolated Case

    Ecclesiastes 1:9-11

    Don’t get shocked, sidetracked, or swindled – trials grow us!

  • The Aaronic Priesthood

    Exodus 27:21-28:1

    Our God is a God of details. In the description of the garments of the Old Testament priesthood we see God’s glory and beauty.

  • Saving relationships

    2 Corinthians 2:1-11

    Relationships can be very fragile. God’s Word gives us great insight with building, cultivating, and repairing relationships.  

  • the unpardonable sin

    Matthew 12:31,32   

    Many people down through the years have been troubled with thinking about the unpardonable sin.  Concerned whether you have committed the unpardonable sin?  This IS hope!

  • Come Thou and all thy house into the ark

    Genesis 7:1

    Through this example of Noah we see how God communicates with man, God invites man, God provides for man, and God judges man. Listen now to this example of God’s love for Noah, and all his house, and you, and all your house.

  • alas, my brother

    1 Kings 13:11-32

    If sinners entice thee consent thou not, but if men of God who are speaking lies entice you, you have to have the discernment that God provides.

  • Little Is much when god is in it

    Micah 5:2

    Though Micah is categorized as a minor prophet, God would use him to prophecy about the wonderful event of Christ’ birth. Though Bethlehem is a minor city, God sent His Son to be born in it.

  • killing our eglon

    Judges 3: 12-30

    Why is it today that Christians are more interested in serving sin than serving Jesus?  God paints a very clear picture of how to get some victory in our life and how to see God really work and move.  Getting the joy that is so often robbed from us.  

  • if god wills it, we must expect it

    I Timothy 2:1-6
    If it is God’s will for all to be saved, which it is, then we can expect Him to do great things to make it a reality. Listen now to this challenge to ask the Lord to put someone in your path that you could witness to.

  • Life is good

    Philippians 4:10-13

    Can you declare with honesty and sincerity that life truly is good for a child of God?  We must recognize and understand that in Christ we have the good life.

  • is there not a cause?

    1 Samuel 17: 28-29

    Is there not a cause in your life; do you have a cause?

  • titus, a good name

    Proverbs 22:1

    We should seek to balance a good name with no reputation.    Do you have a good name declared among Christians?  Among churches?

    Click HERE for a copy of the handout for this sermon.

  • no reputation

    Philippians 2:1-11

    Many today are counting on their reputation with man to get them to Heaven.  Christ made Himself of no reputation. . . so should we.  We are challenged as a Christian and a church to have the right kind of reputation before God and man.

  • Lord, is it i?

    Matthew 26:20-30

    Christ made this statement to his disciples: “One of you shall betray me”. The responding attitude of the disciples was to be sorrowful and led to a profitable self-examination when they responded with, “Lord, is it I?” Listen now to hear this challenge that will point you to this same positive self-examination.

  • satan hath desired to have you

    Luke 22:31-33

    After warning Peter of Satan's desire to sift him, Christ told Peter that he would pray for him. Listen now to hear about both this warning and encouragement.

  • there is a samson in all our children

    Judges 14

    Samson stands out as someone who could have done great things for God, but he struggled through life and barely managed to accomplish what God had for him to do. Listen now to hear this challenge to live a consistent, Christian life.

  • memories of baptism

    John 10:22-42

    In the midst of all of the storms that were swirling around Him, The Lord went back to a place that reminded Him of His mission here on this earth: the place of His baptism. Listen now to hear this challenge to remember your baptism and what is represents.

  • Charity challenge

    I Corinthians 13

    Paul told the Corinthians that he would willingly spend and be spent for them, thus exemplifying charity. Listen now to hear this challenge to invest yourself into others with charity.

  • The Castaway king

    2 Chronicles 26:16-21

    King Uzziah was one who initially served God and was blessed for his faithfulness. However, being strong, he was lifted up in pride and paid a dear price. Listen now to hear this warning on pride.

  • worthy is the lamb

    Revelation 5:1-14

    What is it that motivates you to serve in a ministry? Exploring the motivation that we really need in our lives for the cause that we have.

  • Consent thou not

    Proverbs 1:10-19

    God’s Word commands us to not consent when we are enticed. Listen now to hear this message concerning the enemies of our spiritual life and our defenses against those enemies.

  • thirsty souls

    John 4:4-29

    Thirsty souls will find something to drink and if we don’t offer them living water, we should ask ourselves: What will they drink? 

  • After the crisis

    Psalms 56

    When the eyes of a person who experiences pain fixate on the Lord, that person tastes the Word of God. What will you do after experiencing crisis? What will you do after God helps you?

  • how good must i be?

    Acts 10:1

    If you, like Cornelius, have the question, “How good must I be to get into heaven?”, then you need to know that it doesn’t matter what you do or have done, but what Christ did for you on the cross. Listen now to hear this clear call to salvation.

  • The gift of a godly legacy

    2 Kings 2:1-18
    If we have generation of children who don’t have a close relationship with God, then how will they raise up children themselves who have a close relationship with God? Listen now to about the importance of a close relationship with God.

  • Amnesia

    2018 BBC Men's Rally

    Deuteronomy 6:1

    If there is a God, then you better start living like He exists. In the words of Elijah, "How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God: follow Him"

  • ye did run well

    Galatians 5:1-18

    How can you run the race of your Christian race well? You have to run with purpose, with preparation, and with patience and perseverance. Listen now to hear this challenge to stay focused on the Christian race.

  • savor the resurrection

    Matthew 16:21

    Though Easter be a pagan concept, the resurrection of our Savior is a day to remember. Listen now to hear the resurrection prophesied, protested, paired, previewed, perfected, and proffered.

  • unto thee any graven image

    Judges 17

    It is easy to justify idolatry as unto the Lord, but God’s desire is that we would kneel at the cross and give our idols up. Listen now to hear this challenge to keep God first in your life.

  • In me is thine help

    Hosea 13:1-14:2

    Don’t let Satan convince you that you can’t bring your problems to God. Listen now to hear this challenge to find grace at the throne.

  • Generational sin

    2 Chronicles 15:1-8

    Asa was a man who had everything going against him. He had a, mostly, ungodly heritage, but Asa rose to the occasion and broke the generational sins that ran in his family. Listen now to hear this message on generational sin.

  • It Will be worth it all

    I Thessalonians 2:14-20

    It will be worth it all when we see Jesus,

    Life’s trials will seem so small when we see Christ;

    One glimpse of His dear face all sorrow will erase,

    So bravely run the race will we see Christ.

    Listen now to hear this challenge to serve Him here on earth for heaven will be worth it all.

  • selective surrender

    Romans 12:1,2

    Are there still points in your life that bring worries and fears? Give those areas over to God and allow Him to take care of it. Listen now to hear this challenge to give yourself completely over to the Lord.

  • Settling Of Hearts

    Luke 21:12-24

    The greatest unsettling in someone’s heart is not knowing where they will spend eternity. Listen now to hear this message on the settling of your heart.

  • forgetting to pray

    Philippians 4:8

    God is constantly blessing you and sometimes you just need a reminder. Listen now to hear this message on this thought: Prayer brings peace and pondering brings praise. 

  • God's will for you

    I Timothy 2:1-6
    God’s will is that all will be saved. Salvation is unlimited in its invitation meaning there is no one who is excluded. Listen now to hear this challenge to call upon the Name of the Lord.

  • think about what you're thinking about

    Colossians 3:1-2
    Our speech reveals that which we are thinking about, whether its wholesome or perverse. Listen now to hear how our speech should reveal thoughts that are obedient to Christ. 

  • spiritual reproduction in proverbs

    Proverbs 1
    The goal of every Christian parent should be to spiritual reproduce a relationship with God in their children. Listen now to hear three simple steps towards that end.

  • the reality of rejection

    Genesis 37:1-4
    When others turn their back on you, you still have a Father in heaven that cares for you, loves you, and will help you during times of rejection. Listen now to hear this message on the subject of rejection.

  • get out of the way and speak

    I Corinthians 2:1-5
    Listen now to this challenge to get self out of the way and speak, not with excellency or enticement, but with utterance enriched by God’s Grace and the indwelling power of the Spirit.

  • How should we deal with offences

    Matthew 18:15-22

    The forgiveness that we exercise towards one another is the same kind of forgiveness that we receive from our Savior who forgave us when we committed terrible sin. With the power of Christ, and His forgiveness, we can forgive others. Listen now to hear this challenge to deal with offences one towards another.

  • when policy weakens purpose

    Luke 13:10-17

    The Pharisees failed to see the needs of people because of their religious policies that put the people into bondage. Listen now to hear this challenge to have a burden for people’s souls.

  • the queen's condemnation

    Matthew 12:42

    The queen came to try, test, and prove the wisdom of Solomon. God’s Word shows us the great wisdom of the One who gave Solomon his wisdom. Listen now to hear this challenge to try, test, and prove God and, thus, see His great wisdom.

  • the parable of the rich fool

    Luke 12:15

    There are many fools who believe in God, even those who trust in Jesus Christ, but they are foolish because they don't pursue Him. Instead, they pursue the things they want to pursue. Listen now to hear this challenge to pursue Christ and all His righteousness.

  • is it really worth while?

    I Peter 4:12-19

    Once found, no one can deny or renounce Jesus Christ. To know one’s sins are forgiven, to know salvation, and to know that the Lord Jesus is the one who plucked us out of this sinful world is to know a life that is abundant and worthwhile.

  • For His Mercy Endureth Forever

    Psalm 136

    A simple message: Give thanks, God loves you, For His mercy endureth forever. Listen now to hear why this chapter in Psalms says twenty-six times: For His mercy endureth forever.

  • The fruit matches the tree

    Matthew 12:33-37

    If the fruit in your life does not match the tree, then examine yourself and your relationship with Christ. Listen now to hear this challenge to yield yourself to the master gardener.

  • are we pure from the blood of all men?

    Acts 20:25

    Paul and Ezekiel had this testimony that they were pure from the blood of all men. Listen now to this challenge to endeavor to obtain the help of God to continue until the day of the Lord’s return.

  • Precepts, Principles, and preferences

    I Corinthians 8:1-13

    When dealing with God’s Word, there are precepts, principles, and preferences involved. Listen now to hear the difference between these three and why the differences matter.

  • the son to the father

    John 17

    One of the most tender and beloved names of God is that which Christ used to refer to God: Father. Is God your father? If you are outside the family of God, make God your Father today!

  • settle out of court

    Matthew 5:21-32

    One day, you will stand in judgment. Agree with your adversary now and see your sinful nature, before it is too late.

  • The providence of god

    Genesis 27:30-40

    This message uses a Bible example to demonstrate how the Providence of God works in a believer’s life, often in spite of our failures and disobedience, to accomplish the Lord’s good purpose. It explains what is meant by the Providence of God, and why we can, as Christians, can trust Him to do all things well.

  • Now Faith

    2018 BBC Men's Rally

    Hebrews 10:32

    We can assuredly gather that suffering will follow salvation, reward will follow the race, and that faith must follow frenzy. You can't afford to be distracted from God's work. Listen now to hear this challenge of your faith.

  • Preparing for the lord's table

    I Corinthians 11

    Don’t feel like you can’t profit from the Lord’s Table due to an unavoidable absence. Prepare yourself in unity, sanctity, and memory. Determine to achieve much of the purpose that is centered in the Lord’s table.

  • kingdom wedding

    Matthew 22:1-14

    You might not care much for weddings, but there is a wedding that is different and very important. Listen to hear this message concerning those who are without garment, without speech, and without light and to the challenge to invite others to the wedding.

  • david's psalm of praise

    Psalm 145

    We should praise God because the Scriptures tell us that “the Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him”. Listen now to hear this challenge to praise God from this Psalm of David.

  • keep eternity in view

    Isaiah 57:15

    Keeping eternity in view is not only an encouraging prospect for ourselves, but should motivate us to tell others about eternal life. Listen now to hear this challenge to keep eternity in view.

  • children have great potential

    Judges 13

    Leading your children to find God’s purpose and fulfill God’s purpose is going to require a spiritual commitment on the part of every parent. Listen now to hear this message on the subject of children from the example of Samson.

  • 1 corinthians 12:13

    1 Corinthians 12:13

    This passage is a “proof text” used by those who believe that the in a universal, mystical Body of Christ “Church”. Listen now to hear why this is not so and to get a better understanding of Ecclesiology. 

  • falling unto furtherance

    Philippians 1:12

    Things which happen to us can fall out unto the furtherance of the Gospel. Why Listen? Because things happen to us. 

  • assuredly Gathering

    Acts 16:6-12

    Over the last year, God has made it clear to this church that God would have us do something in the South Pacific. This next year will see that plan realized. Listen now to hear this message containing the theme of our church in 2018: "Assuredly Gathering".

  • a trophy of grace: Part 2

    Colossians 4:7-9

    God was able to use these men in spite of them. God’s grace can save and equip anyone. Listen now to the first part of this message on God’s Grace.

  • A Trophy Of Grace: Part 1

    Colossians 4:7-9

    God was able to use these men in spite of them. God’s grace can save and equip anyone. Listen now to the first part of this message on God’s Grace.

  • Two Answers For Discouragement

    2 Corinthians 4:1-18

    Paul’s refusal to resign challenges us to carry on for Christ. Make a declaration not to faint.

  • Help & Hope After Sowing & Reaping

    Hosea 13:9

    God’s Law of Sowing & Reaping certainly holds true scripturally (Galatians 6:7); but a merciful God offers Help and Hope beyond the reaping that we’ve sown.

  • Abridging the generational gap

    Judges 2:6-10
    It only took three generations after Egypt for Israel to forget the Lord. Listen now to hear about not just the cause of generational decline, but also the cure.

  • singleness

    2018 BBC Men's Rally

    Revelations 1:13-17

    Regardless of where you find yourself as a single person and regardless of when God would have you marry, are you willing to step out and serve Him while you have your eyes fixed on Him? Listen now to hear this challenge to serve God while you remain single.

  • Don't be a won't

    Hebrews 6:1-10

    Saying no to God working in your life makes it impossible for you to be saved in any other way. Don’t reject the conviction from God and don’t be a won’t.

  • poured out prayer

    1 Samuel 1:9-18

    When we are feeling overwhelmed like Hannah we need to be encouraged to pour ourselves out before the Lord in prayer.

  • what your heart desires

    Mark 11:24

    God wants to give you the desires of your heart, but are your desires Godly? Or are they carnal? Listen now to this message on the subject of prayer and the desires of the heart.

  • Out of the depths to higher ground

    Psalm 130

    God’s desire is that you would be accepting of His forgiveness, not to continue in the depths, but take the next step to higher ground. Have you cried a prayer from the depths? Listen now to hear this message on this Psalm of Degrees.

  • are you thriving or surviving?

    2018 BBC Men's Rally

    I Peter 1

    "Holiness requires suffering. There are no lessons so useful as those learned in the school of affliction"

    Did you know you can thrive through affliction? Are you thriving in your Christian walk? Or are you surviving and just barely making it?

  • Worthless Religion

    2018 BBC Men's Rally

    James 1:19

    Vain religion is religion that has no worth or value. It's completely self-serving and there's nothing pure and pleasing to God about it. Listen now to hear this challenge to change the religion you practice.

  • qualities of service

    Acts 15:13-34

    Silas was a man called of God and consecrated to a work.  He exhibits characteristics that are very instructive for us today in our service to the Lord.

  • judge Not

    Matthew 7:1-5

    Bible Christianity is an absolute faith.  Those that hold a Biblical world view are often accused of being judgmental.  People do not want to be judged today.  Is it right to judge?  If it is right for us to judge, then how should we go about judging?

  • Giving To The Work Of The Lord

    Ezra 2:64-70

    People in Ezra’s day gave to the work of the Lord; today we should be willing to give to the work of the Lord!

  • bless the lord; the lord bless thee

    Psalm 134

    This last of the Songs of degrees represents a climactic response in seeking to bless the Lord and for the Lord to bless thee.

  • this is the word of god

    Ephesians 3:1-7

    The Bible IS the Word of God!  The Bible is inerrant and in its teaching it is infallible.  The Bible is the basis for all we believe and all that we do.

  • Bind The Sacrifice With Cords

    Psalm 118:27

    Too many Christians today have withdrawn themselves from the altar of sacrifice.

  • are you willing to bear the mark?

    Galatians 6:17

    Are you willing to bear the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ in your body?  How well do you carry the stigma of being a Christian?

  • rich man; poor man

    2 Corinthians 8:9

    Rich man or poor man, which one are you?  In the context of giving, are you rich or poor?  Jesus Christ himself is the ultimate example of giving!

  • even to your old age i will carry you

    Isaiah 46:4

    We grow old, we grow weary, we grow gray and we go home to glory, and God carries us all the way.  Who do you look to, to carry you and to deliver you?

  • arrayed, but not fighting

    1 Samuel 17:1-3

    Many Christians today are arrayed for the battle, but never get engaged in the battle.  They are prepared, but have no intention in fighting!

  • the glories of heaven

    2 Corinthians 12:1-7

    Paul’s description of the third heaven in incomprehensible to us.  Heaven IS a reality!

  • is there a chink in your armor?

    2 Chronicles 18:1-34

    Vulnerabilities in our armor can be very dangerous and deadly.  As a Christian, iIs there a chink in your armor today?

  • that they may know that this is thy hand

    Psalm 109

    A Psalm penned by David where all his passion and pent up frustration about situations in his life are shared. The aim of his prayer was for God’s will for God’s glory.

  • the holiness of god and missions

    Isaiah 6:1-13

    As we get our eyes off men and fix them upon God, He transforms us to be great servants for Him.  We need to get our eyes more upon the Lord for our motivation to serve Him.

  • present with the lord

    2 Corinthians 5:1-8

    The reality of death really does not trouble the true born again believer.  The Bible also speaks of those who have a fear of death.  For a child of God, death can be talked about openly because of the promises God gives the believer.

  • with a straight course

    Acts 16:11

    Sharing the vision for Bible Baptist Church through 2019.  With a Straight Course emphasizes the steadfastness of the church as we chart and maintain the course with NCWBO, PBO, and the SPBO ministries as well as the ministries local to the church.

  • a gift that prospereth

    Proverbs 17:8

    The greatest of all gifts is that of Salvation.  How do you view the gift of Salvation? It is the gift that warrants our full attention during the Holiday Season and all throughout the year.

  • in fasting often

    2 Corinthians 6:3-5; 11:22-30

    Denying the physical to accentuate the spiritual will enable a more fruitful prayerlife. We can learn from those we read about in the Bible that fasted.

  • seasons shall not cease

    Jeremiah 33:19-21

    As you enter different seasons of your life, God has a specific plan and purpose for you.

  • in christ

    2 Timothy

    Are you thankful for being IN Christ?  Being IN Christ should encourage us to press forward for Christ.

  • love labors

    1 Thessalonians 1

    Faith, love and hope should be evident within all areas of our lives. 

  • follow thou me

    John 21:1-22

    Jesus speaks to us personally, we are not to be distracted by what others are doing.

  • the christian life

    Hebrews 11:8-16

    The promises of God were, and are, seen through faith.