Current Video Messages

Here you will find the most current video messages preached in the pulpit of Bible Baptist Church.

  • Inroads to the Soul

    II Peter 2:1-9

    Many Christians today can relate to, and learn from Abraham’s nephew, Lot.  He was created the same as everyone else, as a tripartite being with a soul.  Lot’s soul was greatly influenced by the things he both saw and heard, his soul was vexed, his decisions were influenced, and even his family were affected.  Likewise, the things that have the greatest influence on us are the things we both see and hear.  Exactly how much influence they wield is dependent on our response to them.  God knows how to deliver us from temptations, but what is our response to the things that we see and hear?

  • David's failing and fulfilling

    I Corinthians 1:26-31

    King David had many failures recorded in scripture.  He failed in the matter of Uriah the Hittite, and everything connected to it.  He had failures as a parent, and he had failures as a king.  Despite David’s shortcomings, God was still able to use him to his honor and glory.  Likewise, God can still use us despite our own failures and short comings.

  • Why we believe in a pretribulation rapture

    I Thessalonians 4:13-5:11

    The Millennial Kingdom is a prominent subject related to Bible prophecy.  Another prominent subject is Christ’s return, and the rapture of the Saints.  How we approach the Bible will influence our understanding about Christ’s return.  Learn about why we believe in a pretribulation rapture in this installment of Pastor Sargent’s “Why We Believe…” series.

  • Why We Believe in the Premillennial Return of Christ

    Daniel 2:31-45

    How we approach the Bible will undoubtedly influence how we understand the Bible.  Do we approach it allegorically?  Or do we receive it historically and grammatically?  There is no shortage of different beliefs in Christendom when it comes to Christ’s return, and the millennial Kingdom of God.  Learn why we believe the Bible teaches in a premillennial return of Christ in this installment of the “Why We Believe…” series.

  • Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth

    Ecclesiastes 12:1

    As our little children grow into youths, undoubtedly changes will take place.  Being tripartite creatures created in God’s image and likeness, they’ll change physically, spiritually, as well as emotionally and intellectually.  Learn how to minister to each part of your youth as they develop, and Lord willing help guide them into being saved and surrendered, serving the Lord.

  • Why We believe in New testament perpetuity

    Matthew 16:13-20

    When it comes to the church, there are many different beliefs in circulation!  Some people believe there’s one universal church, perpetuated through apostolic succession.  Others believe the “true” church disappeared during the Dark Ages and was reconstituted by the Reformation.  Learn about what the Bible has to say about church perpetuity, as well as how history attests to it in this installment of Pastor Sargent’s “Why We Believe…” series.

  • Why we believe baptism requires a scriptural authority

    Matthew 21:23-27

    When it comes to the ordinance of baptism, there are many different beliefs in circulation.  Learn about what the Bible has to say about baptism including: the proper candidate(s), the meaning behind it, and of course upon what authority it’s administered, in this installment of Pastor Sargent’s “Why We Believe…” series.

  • Why We believe in the eternal security of the believer

    Romans 8:28-39

    There are some Christian circles who don’t believe men can have eternal security; However, there are many reasons for us to believe with confidence that we are saved and eternally secure.  Our confidence in eternal security is grounded upon who God is, and what he’s revealed to us in his word.  Learn more about why we believe in the eternal security of the believer in this installment of Pastor Sargent’s “Why…” series!

  • Assurance of Salvation

    I John 5:4-15

    Many Christians can and do have doubts about their salvation and eternal security.  Learn about some of the reasons why people may have doubts, as well as how to replace them with assurance.  Neither our salvation nor assurance are based upon feelings; Assurance of our salvation is based upon God’s word, and it’s testified by his Spirit.  Learn more about how you can have assurance of salvation!

  • Why we believe in salvation through the blood of Jesus

    Hebrews 10:1-18

    There are many reasons why we believe salvation can only be received through the blood of Jesus!  It is only through his blood that we can be cleansed from and receive remission of sins.  Learn about just how important and special the blood of Christ truly is in this installment of Pastor Sargent’s “Why we believe…” series!

  • Patience over Pride

    Ecclesiastes 7:8

    At some point we all struggle with having patience as well as with pride.  There is a connection between the two observed through human experience.  Patience entails an attitude of humility, whereas impatience entails an attitude of Pride.  King Solomon also made the connection between patience and pride.  Learn more about the connection and how we can properly apply it in our own lives.

  • Why We Believe the King James Bible is the Pure Word of God in the English Language

    Psalm 68:11

    The Bible tells us that God has promised to preserve his words forever.  There are many reasons to believe the King James Bible fulfills that promise in the English tongue, two of which are the texts it’s translated from, and the translators themselves.  Learn more about the history and translation of the King James Bible!

  • Anger and Hypocrisy

    Proverbs 22:24-25, 11:9

    The Bible has a lot to say about the subjects of anger and hypocrisy.  They’re very real and can influence us, our decisions, as well as having an influence on our relationships with others.  Much of what it says about anger and hypocrisy comes in the form of warnings.  We’re not without hope, though.  The Bible also gives wisdom in how to deal with them.Video

  • Why We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God

    II Tim 3:10-17

    There are many reasons to believe the Bible is truly the word of God.  Among these are: Its supernatural origin; Its Divine Preservation; and the Power that it has to save souls and change lives.

  • Why We Believe in the Existence of God

    Hebrews 11:1-6

    All men are created with an intuitive knowledge of God.  There are different ways our knowledge of God may be developed: Through reason, through [special] revelation, and through reality/personal experience.  Pastor Sargent gives seven lines of reasoning to help us develop our belief in why we believe God exists.

  • Does God Have Your Heart?

    Proverbs 23:26

    The Bible tells us to have all things be done decently and in order.  When it comes to matters of the heart, fathers are implored to first give their hearts to their children and in response the children are to give their hearts to their father.  The Bible says that we love God because he first loved us, so God the Father has given us his heart, in response have we given him ours?  Does us giving God our heart manifest in the same way as David, a man after God’s own heart?

  • Strong Words From a Loving Father

    I Corinthians 16:21-24

    Anathema Maranatha are two powerful Biblical words not translated into English, which the Apostle Paul used when concluding his first epistle to the church at Corinth.  Anathema serves as a warning to the church not to be led astray from the simplicity of the Gospel.  Maranatha is an exclamation that the Lord is coming or will come!

  • Satan is Not Your Friend

    II Samuel 13:1-15

    Satan is not our friend: He ruins relationships, he doesn’t care about death caused by inciting sin, and he’s not a servant of the king.  Satan often works through people, one of the men he used was King David’s nephew Jonadab.  Learn how to recognize Satan’s devices & be fit to fight against them.  The Devil can be defeated!

  • Am I Teachable?

    Psalm 25:1-22

    This passage of scripture mentions three kinds of people who the LORD teaches:  Sinners, of whom we all are; The meek, which have an attitude of selflessness & merciful intercession; and those who fear the LORD.  Do we display these same attitudes and attributes?

  • Men Who Matter

    I Corinthians 16:10-20

    The Great Commission wasn’t given to a single person; ministry is a team effort.  The Apostle Paul was able to accomplish much for the Lord because he had a great support network, and always took the time to give credit to the men and women who co-labored with him in his ministry.

  • Opportunities and Opposition

    I Corinthians 16:5-9

    The Apostle Paul had plans to visit the church at Corinth, but God had other plans.  He received an open door to preach the Gospel at Ephesus; as with any opportunity, opposition soon follows.

  • the order of the resurrection

    I Corinthians 15:1-24

    First Corinthians, Chapter 15 is known as the “Resurrection Chapter” in the Bible.  It gives great insight into the two resurrections that unfolds through the scriptures. 

  • a mother of dedicated faith

    Matthew 20:20-28

    The mother of Zebedee’s children came to Jesus to make a request.  In her we see her as a devoted woman of great faith.  Her devotion to Jesus Christ and her desire for her sons was evident in her life.

  • is god good?

    Psalm 73

    This rhetorical question is answered by seeing God’s abundant goodness through key points such as going to His sanctuary, acknowledging His presence, choosing His guiding counsel over self-reason and worldly wisdom, and commit to zero substitutes for His goodness.  The psalmist concludes to draw near to God, to trust in the refuge of the Lord God, and to declare all of God’s goodness. 

  • salvation ready to be revealed

    I Peter 1:1-9

    The treasure of salvation is revealed the moment we, as believers, enter into eternity. The doctrine of salvation is important, as seen in Sanctification, Regeneration, Adoption, and Purification.  

  • challenge in consistency

    II Chronicles 25:1-2

    King Amaziah did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, but not with a perfect heart.  Just doing things is not enough, your heart must be in it.  How do you live out your life for Christ. . . consistently or inconsistently?

  • ye must be born again

    John 3:1-8

    As Nicodemus came to Jesus by night, Jesus gave the great imperative: “ye must be born again.”  That message is the most important and essential message ever presented and is relevant for us today.

  • order in the church

    I Corinthians 14:26-40

    The gift of tongues refers to an ability to speak in a foreign language without having been trained.  Tongues were given for a sign for unbelieving Jews.

  • Friends of sinners

    Mark 5:1-20

    The miracle where Jesus delivers the man with an unclean spirit in the country of the Gadarenes.  This miracle is a stark picture of the human condition and the power of Jesus Christ to deliver.  The converted man had a passion to reach others through a changed life.

  • A friend of mine

    Luke 11:1-13

    Jesus taught the disciples to pray via a Pattern, a Parable, and with a Point.

  • the primacy of preaching

    I Corinthians 14:1-9

    The days of fore-telling has ceased and today we are to be forth-telling.  In this message preaching (prophesying) is Defined, Detailed, Delivered, and Demanded. 


  • how will the next generation love god?

    Judges 2:10

    Will our next generation love God?  If so, how?  In this message observations and applications from the text challenges us to see the next generation arise, follow, and love God.


  • serving faithfully

    II Timothy 2:1-14

    The Second Chapter of Second Timothy expresses six different metaphors for the kind of person God can use in His service.  Specifically presented in this message is the Recruitment, Readying, and Reliance of those whom serve the Lord faithfully.

  • who took the body

    Matthew 28:11-15

    One of the theories about Christ’s resurrection is that He didn’t rise from the dead, but that His body was taken.  This message refutes that theory based upon the canon of Scripture.

  • the first supper

    Matthew 26:17-30

    As Jesus met in an upper room with His disciples, the First Supper was instituted as a remembrance of His body which was broken for us and His blood that was shed for us for the remission of sins.

  • the blood of christ

    Hebrews 9:19-28

    The Old Testament was dedicated with the blood of calves and goats, but the New Testament was established by the blood of Jesus Christ.  The continual sacrifice in the Old Testament could never take away sins, only cover them, whereas the blood of Jesus Christ gives us eternal redemption.

  • god wants to hear you sing

    Ephesians 5:15-19

    God wants to hear you sing psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs.  This message looks at music personally within your heart, corporately one with another and to another, and worshipfully unto the Lord.  Music plays a role in your life as a spirit-filled Christian.

  • is the gift of tongues active today?

    I Corinthians 13:8-13

    The continuance of certain Spiritual gifts is a controversial subject in religious circles today.  Through the scriptures is seen that the gift of speaking in tongues have ceased for today.

  • the quality of love

    I Corinthians 13:4-7

    Love is to be self-sacrificing and unconditional, just as God’s love is for us.  Our exercise of Spiritual gifts must be controlled by the fruit of the spirit.

  • spiritual gifts

    I Corinthians 12:27-13:3

    Ataxia, a serious neurological disorder, causes uncoordinated movements within the human body.  Similarly, Spiritual ataxia results when a church is fractured, divided, and lacks unity.

  • trust God for deliverance

    Psalm 3

    As David fled from his son Absalon he knew the only one to turn to for deliverance was the LORD.  In Psalm 3 is seen David’s troubles, transition, and testimony.

  • the universal "church" theory refuted

    I Corinthians 12:13

    Today many Christians, and churches, use First Corinthians, Chapter 12, Verse 13 as their ‘Proof Text’ for the universal, mystical, Body of Christ “Church” theory.  This message  gives a Biblical refutation of such false doctrine.

  • spiritual gifts

    I Corinthians 12:1-11

    The Apostle Paul addressed the general decorum of spiritual gifts.  The problem in the church of Corinth was that of comparison between members concerning their spiritual gifts.  If not careful, the same could happen in your own church.

  • the christian's platform for life

    Ephesians 1:1-14

    A platform in the sense that of something on which someone stands, gives a place of oversight and authority.  The Christian’s platform is their standing (condition of life) and state (living for Christ).

  • are you full of hope?

    Colossians 3:1-3

    Being mentally and spiritual solid and stable is possible by having confidence in God’s promises.  A heavenly hope is to be fruitful in the life of believers.  We are to be full of heavenly hope instead of worldly wishfulness.

  • List Item

    Leviticus 13 & 14

    The law of leprosy is to teach when it is unclean and when it is clean.  Observations related to leprosy and sin require an examination, determination, proclamation, and a regulation.

  • the lord's table

    I Corinthians 11:1,2,17-25

    The ordinance of the Lord’s Table has been a divisive doctrinal issue throughout Christendom.  Today’s message demonstrates from scripture the Biblical means of participating in the Lord’s Table.

  • aaron's fashion & fashioning

    Exodus 28 & 32

    The contrast between the fashion of Aaron’s priestly garments and his fashioning of the golden calf can be instructive to us today.  Does your prescribed fashion (how the Lord tells you to dress, to act, to converse, and to live in this world) align with what we might be fashioning as idols in our lives today?

  • hats, hair, and humility

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  • let my people go

    Exodus 5

    The historical conversation between Pharoah and Moses parallels what we should see today, resistance from captivity to say: “let my people go that they may serve me.”  Israel’s purpose was to serve the Lord, as so it is for Christians today, to serve the Lord.  We see Pharoah’s compromises [calculations] regarding letting the people go.

  • we can live on the victory side

    I Corinthians 10:13

    God does not want any Christian to be rendered useless for the work He has called them to do.  The devil tries to rob you of a good testimony and will try to derail you and keep you on the sidelines.  God has given us a great promise of victory.

  • how to interpret the bible

    I Corinthians 10:31-33

    First Corinthians, Chapter 10, Verse 32 highlights some divisions that are found in the prophetic word (future events).  Bible study is different than reading, meditation, or memorization. This verse is key if we are to understand the Bible prophecies concerning things to come.  

  • shepherding 101

    Genesis 48

    The Lord’s leading brings great comfort in the days when we feel needful, rudderless, overrun with life, facing major decisions, afraid, or vulnerable.   Shepherding is exemplified by God and seen the life of Moses, pastors, and parents.

  • are there few that be saved?

    Luke 13:22-30

    Jesus was asked the question, “Are there few that be saved?”  There are five propositions posed in response to the question: (1) All may be saved, (2) All will not be saved, (3) Some will be saved who weren’t expected to be saved, (4) Some will not be saved who expected to be saved, and (5) No one will be saved except in God’s declared way.

  • the danger of living on the edge

    I Corinthians 10:1-13

    The Apostle Paul warned the church in Corinth not to engage in idolatry.  In this message Pastor Sargent addresses the “borderline Christian.”

  • how lost are the lost?

    Matthew 18:11-14

    The singular mission of Jesus Christ was to reach the lost.  The singular mission of His churches is the same. . . to reach the lost.

  • qualifications of service

    Exodus 18:1-24

    Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, gave Moses great advice concerning delegation.  This had a great impact on Moses’ life and ministry.

  • characteristics of a steadfast believer

    I Thessalonians 1:1-10

    Paul was concerned about the condition of the church in Corinth.  He pointed out to them the characteristics of a steadfast and faithful church member.

  • paul's greatest fear

    I Corinthians 9:24-27

    The Apostle Paul expressed several “fears” concerning others and himself.  Paul’s desire was to not be a castaway.  To be a castaway is to be useless in service to the Lord.  What causes Christians to be castaway?  How can you avoid becoming a castaway?  This message answers those questions.

  • paying the preacher

    I Corinthians 9:1-14

    The Apostle Paul used himself as an example as a minister of Christ in the principle of putting others before self.  This scripture also teaches the principle of a preacher to be remunerated and the principle of payment.

  • List Item

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  • the authority of love

    Ephesians 5:18-6:9

    Submission to authority is the foundation of the Christian live, bathed in love.  In this message is brought out that submission is spiritual, love is commanded, and to love is to submit.

  • caught and taught

    Philippians 4:9

    Students, whether as children, employees, Christians, etc., cannot be expected to behave in a manner they have never been taught.  They also cannot often times demonstrate behaviour different than what was demonstrated to them.  Learning character implies teaching, receiving implies heartfelt giving, hearing implies something spoken, and seen implies demonstration.